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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ebook , by Casey Watson

Ebook , by Casey Watson

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, by Casey Watson

, by Casey Watson

, by Casey Watson

Ebook , by Casey Watson

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, by Casey Watson

Product details

File Size: 1856 KB

Print Length: 78 pages

Publisher: HarperElement (August 25, 2016)

Publication Date: August 25, 2016

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#20,711 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I just hope this little angel is recovering and doing well, having a happy life. And hope the perpetrators of this horrendous crime are still paying for this atrocities.

Heart wrenching story but filled with warmth. Always a grounding read.

Great book to read

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Free Download Monstrous Regiment

Free Download Monstrous Regiment

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Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 11 hours and 38 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: HarperAudio Release Date: December 23, 2004

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

A tiny nation is at war and girl dressed as a boy joins a mismatched regiment and ultimately wins the war.Like most later Diskworld novels Monstrous Regiment will be a quick read with some good chuckles and then fades from memory.The twists are predictable, the jokes are too, there's a lot of moralizing about the horrors of war but nothing more unpleasant than a bump on the head happens on camera.A good read for a long plane trip or dull weekend.

SPOILER ALERT ! ! !Read no further if you wish to be surprised.You were warned.A satire on the military in which the only effective soldiers turn out to be women (an abomination in the country). Pratchett takes many of the cliches of military fiction and turns them in to a funny story. Sir Terry was never a fan of war or the army. That is quite clear in this and some of his other stories.The country fighting is one of random, persistent repression that has managed to declare war on all of its neighbors and some distant countries as well. The war is prompted by many statements from their god who hates everything from women in men's clothing to small stones.A delightful ending.

Monstrous Regiment is one of my favorite Discworld novels, and I got a second copy for a friend. Polly wants to find/save her brother after he has gone off to fight in the Borogravian army, which is facing a large opposition from several nations, including Ankh-Morpork, But due to the backward religion/laws of her country, women cannot fight and so she must disguise herself as a boy to get into the army. This leads to some interesting developments/adaptations for Polly, calling herself Oliver, to act and appear as a boy as she manages to get into one of the smallest, poorest, ragtag regiments of her country's army, including some 'monsters' like a vampire, troll, and an Igor. But what Polly learns about her regiment, army life, and the real conditions of her country's war changes her perspective as well. And then things get strange, as they tend to do in Discworld.

"Monstrous Regiment" shouldn't work. The mix of fantasy, humor, war novel, social commentary (especially regarding the place of women in society), tying it in to the larger overarching storylines that have developed in the Discworld novels and creating a new setting and mostly brand new cast should have been a mess.It shouldn't have worked, but it did.Borogravia is a small isolated backwater of a nation, with its only natural resources apparently being an infinitely deep well of hostility for its neighbors, flavored with the worship of a pugnacious (and increasingly strange) god and the cult of personality surrounding a ruler who has not been seen in decades and who never produced an heir.And like all nations that can least afford a war, Borogravia is endlessly involved in them, typically as the aggressor. The nation is being steadily depopulated of men with all their limbs. Finally, Polly Perks has decided she's had enough -- her slow-witted brother has been taken off to war, and she has no idea whether he's alive or dead, and she's determined to find him and bring him back to the family inn. So Polly cuts her hair, disguises herself as a man (simple in a country where all women wear skirts or dresses, especially for a girl with a somewhat boyish figure) and joins the military.Of course, it's never quite that simple. This is war, after all, and a war that Borogravia has not just lost, but is apparently about to lose decisively, once and for all. Fortunatelly, Borogravians are both ignorant and pugnacious, and fighting for their horrible little country, because it's THEIR horrible little country is what comes naturally. Despite overwhelming odds, including a massive coalition of foreign governments sick to the back teeth of the little country, Polly's unit -- which hides more secrets than just hers -- blunders its way into history, fame and the possibility of transforming Borogravia forever.In addition to telling a gripping adventure story of Polly's unit roaming the wasteland that was once Borogravia, pursued by a very angry prince and his crack troops, and heading towards an impregnable castle that they have no chance to break into, let alone take, Pratchett is also making a very real examination of military life (one decidedly slanted in favor of the enlisted units, in Pratchett's typical populist style) and, more importantly, what it means to be a woman in society and in the military. This is a lot for a little novel to be packed with, and it doesn't always work -- the Vietnam movie jokes that are tossed in are only mildly cute and probably should have been cut -- and there's probably too many interesting characters in her unit -- as neat as trolls, Igors and the Discworld vampires are, we don't need them in this novel, and certainly not both of them.But overall, the book works, and works well, as an adventure novel, a military novel and even a novel that, in its own way, is an examination of modern female roles. In a lot of ways, its ambition helps elevate it -- instead of just being a romp through the streets of Ankh-Morporkh (as fun as those may be), "Monstrous Regiment" is elevated to the level of "Small Gods" (with which it shares a bit of cosmology) and other "deeper" Discworld novels.Strongly recommended for Discworld fans, and generally recommended for readers of military fantasy novels, including "The Black Company" and "A Song of Ice and Fire." It's surprising how much of a commentary "Monstrous Regiment" appears to be of those darker, more "adult" novels at times.

Terry Pratchett is always a master of off-the -wall, often outrageous humor aimed at society's foibles. In his last novels, he digs deeper into into the serious ones, & Monstrous Regiment aims at mankind's glorification of war, greed, & particularly society's traditional underestimation of women's capabilities.

I think this book falls in the Light Fantasy genre. Though it does have some high fantasy elements.Well written. And though the book covers topics that aren't really as much of a issue any more it covers them well and doesn't feel outdated.Does have a little violence. Touches on sexual topics. Though there is no actual sex in the book. Gives me the sense that it is mostly a feel good read. Does contain messages of value and pertinent to current times.Very much worth reading. Especially if you like the Disc-World series of books.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Get Free Ebook The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton

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The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton

The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton

The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton

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The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton

About the Author

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and lecturer, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem-cell research at Stanford University. He is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and the more recent Spontaneous Evolution, co-authored with Steve Bhaerman. Bruce received the 2009 prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony.Website:

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Product details

Paperback: 216 pages

Publisher: Hay House Inc.; Reprint edition (April 1, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9781401923891

ISBN-13: 978-1401923891

ASIN: 1401923895

Product Dimensions:

5.4 x 0.6 x 8.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

284 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#21,549 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

When Margaret met Bruce she had an electric surge that started in her heart and traveled like lightning throughout her body, putting her senses on full alert. She gasped. Her hand went to her heart. Bruce responded with a look, but did not return Margaret’s googly-eyed stare. What had happened to spark Margaret’s reaction? Why didn’t Bruce have a heart-pounding experience when he gazed at Margaret? What ultimately brought and held the pair together? These questions and more are the subject of The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, Bruce Lipton’s third book. Part common sense, part hard science, and part personal memoir, The Honeymoon Effect is a physiological and often philosophical accounting of what makes people fall and stay in love. Lipton, whose work has long been on the cutting edge of thought is a cell biologist who pioneered early stem cell research, a world-class lecturer and thinker, and currently a professor at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic in addition to being one of my favorite visionaries. Just listen to a one of his webinars and tap into his extraordinary energy field to see what I mean. It gives me a boost like a shot of espresso as his insight travels through the air waves, thoughts transmitted with a will and force of their own. Thoughts have power Lipton has long said in his previous books, The Biology of Belief - Unleashing the Power of Your Consciousness, Matter and Miracles, and Spontaneous Evolution - Our Positve Future and a Way to Get There From Here, both testaments to Lipton’s metaphysical view of the world. While The Honeymoon Effect is ostensibly a self-help guide to finding and keeping the partner that’s the best fit for you, Honeymoon is, moreover, a molecular distillation of the mind/body/spirit connection and the reasons why, on a cellular level we fall and stay in love. There are physiological reasons for the falling, a chemistry to love itself as the poets say, and not just in the metaphorical sense, but in the physical sense as well, one that resonates in our cells. Unfortunately, although we fall in love, we rarely stay there. That’s the terrain of the lucky few. According to Lipton, however, it could be the terrain of everyone if we just knew how to use the tools at hand. “We create our lives with our beliefs, and we broadcast those beliefs into the energetic environment around us,” Lipton says. Therefore, it’s your beliefs that draw your future to you. The past draws the future. Lipton has a way around that in the event you’re not so happy with what has been and want to change what will be. Yet, this book is about much more than the power of positive thinking. It’s also about the grand design in which we all play a part, major or minor depending on our desires, and how we can cultivate those desires along with our lives with something akin to mathematical precision if we know how the chemistry works. The Honeymoon Effect is a gem of a pocket companion, a fascinating and required read for anyone looking for love and wanting to stay there. Read it, not just to find your One and Only, the exciting and amazing partner of your dreams, but to find and fall in love with the most important person you’ll ever know in your life: You.

This was a good book, esp. compared to his other books, which I liked, also, but his other work was somehow longer and not as to the point or concise. I think he has grown as a writer and presenter. He has taken science and not only made it personal, but personally relevant and user friendly. Since I have read his other work, and am a student of Physics, and Quantum Physics, I can't give a novices view. I don't know how much I already knew. I mean I did hear some facts I had not heard before, and the material is just presented brilliantly.When I first heard his tape re: cell biology, I could barely get through it. It was very unpolished and lots of things seemed to be dragged out and redundant, but the content was good and ideas original. I could tell he had a voice and point of view I was interested in. Bravo for him, esp. for tackling a subject we all care so much about in an original, practical and helpful way. Bravo to him for growing as a writer, scientist and teacher. He gives it his all here, in succinct manner and does not waste our time.

This is a whopper of self indulgence and tantalizing pleasure. What if you found out that you could have it all, every dream that you have wanted, every desire fulfilled by your own exposure to the interior of your self. The" how to ", of change with a direct path to mutual understanding with yourself and the one you love. Not easy, but a well defined and clear path worth the effort. This is a description of the heart chakra and its interaction with the centers of life force. Not a woo woo explanation, but a clear look at the science behind the quantum web we all live in.

I am so happy to have read this book. My prayer & highest goal & desire is to create a life of heaven on earth for myself, and Bruce is my Partner in Believing on this. I love that the main point is that we can heal/reprogram our subconscious minds in order to reach this wonderful vibratory state. Many of us have experienced, by now, that reading self help books & doing self help programs alone does not easily enough manifest our dreams. This is because we are mostly creating from our subconscious mind & beliefs. It's wonderful to know that it's possible to reprogram our subconscious beliefs & how to do it & why it works. Thank You, Bruce!

Awesome!!! I got the audio CD of the book. Best thing I ever bought. Anything is possible now ... Joe Dispenza and Louise Hay and Deepak have all been very very good at understanding our journey but Bruce took it over the top for me personally. I listen to this audio book often and every time something else he says really hits home and I GET IT.

By sheer coincidence, I was searching for information about belief and stumbled upon this book. My co-author and I just finished a nonfiction book, as well as a novel, and the concept of belief kept rising to the top during our writing process. Though we address it a bit in the nonfiction book, I was fixated on the topic, and have been on a quest to gain greater understanding. This book gave me a crucial piece to my puzzle. Though we have formulated much of the psychological and philosophical aspects, of our theory, this book gave the physiological connection. The universe truly is amazing! I highly recommend this book!Thank you Bruce!Shannon McCarthy-Minuti & Tom Asacker

The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton PDF
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton EPub
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton Doc
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton iBooks
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton rtf
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton Mobipocket
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton Kindle

The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton PDF

The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton PDF

The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton PDF
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth, by Bruce H. Lipton PDF

Saturday, September 18, 2010

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Product details

File Size: 19374 KB

Print Length: 903 pages

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Publication Date: July 30, 2015

Sold by: PEN UK

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#432,417 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This book is extremely well researched, using Israeli documents opened to the public after a period of about 50 years. It casts a new light on Israeli-Arab relations. Many opportunities for a peaceful solution were missed. Schlaim’s tone is careful and balanced. At the time it was published it added a lot of new information.

blatant bias and has been disproven... read with a bit more than a grain of salt ;)

excellent history, well written comprehensive and illuminatin

Very informative but sad for the Palestinian people. They need to get their act together by espousing peace and realism!

Some reviews of Shlaim's "Iron Wall" suggest incorrectly that it explains the roots of Arab-Jewish conflict over Palestine. In fact the book offers only a 27-page "prologue," insightful and well written but largely based on secondary and tertiary sources and far too limited in scope. So far the best work on this topic remains the somewhat formal and pedantic first 129 pages of Kimmerling's and Migdal's "Palestinian People." Shlaim's book provides notably concise summaries, so effective that the first one or two pages of each chapter provide enough information for a first reading of the book.

Excellent Overview of Palestine and Israeli Policy. One of the best overviews. Takes everything chronologically so things fit into context Not as repetitious as many.

Avi Shlaim, The Iron Wall, Israel and the Arab World delves into the Arab-Israeli conflict from the assertion of Israeli independence, however it also breifly yet discriptively and informatively discusses the concept of Zionism and its rootsm including excerpts from Herzl and Jabotinsky. From its use of Jabotinsky early in the book, Avi Shlaim uses his essay discussing an Israeli Iron Wall of power superiority (generally hard power) throughout the whole book to essentially provide and analysis, analogy and comparison of Israeli policy towards its Arab neightbours, the broader Arab world and the international community itself.People may unfarily brandish Avi Shlaim as a revionist historian in a negative sense: I would argue the opposite. Yes he is a revionist historian but in a positive sense. His writings are neither ideological or partial towards the Arabs and emotional. This book is the work of a realist who is fair, concise and factual. He adresses longstanding propagandised facts by adhering to the use of largely primary sources. He dispels the notion of "There is no one for Israel to talk to on the Arab side", "Israel is a david state while the Arabs are goliath" and "Israel best serves its security interests in the contemparary geo-political situation by using raw power as its basis for negotians". Revisionism is often far more reliable then historians from the time: They do not have the emotional and political connection to politics of the period rendering them more so impartial and factual then others.Israel has a long history of creating facts on the ground to best suit the national interests of the Greater Israel ideolouge, however, Shlaim delves into the complezities of these factoids and discusses the power relationship between the Arabs and Israel in an inquisitive manner. He constantly brings up Israeli-American relations basing them on reality. American support for Israel is not 100%, as some will have you believe.Unfortunately the book didn't delve into the political situation between Israel and Clintons America to an extenet which was necassary. It would have been a good use of an aditional 6-7 pagse if he adressed Clintons extentsion of domestic politics to foregin policy, which allowe AIAPAC to infaltrate congress and his government increassing the support for Israeli policy towards Palestine and the Arabs.Altogether however it is one of the more interesting recollections and revisions of Israel history you will read- while at all time making good use of largely Israeli sources and primary sources.

I originally bought this book more than a year ago, but I put off reading it because it was published in 2000 which meant that it wouldn't discuss some of the extremely important events that have occurred in the last 9 to 10 years. So, I continued to put this book on the backburner while I read more recent works. What I found, though, was that more and more of these recent works quoted Avi Shlaim's account. The more and more I found this book to be referenced by historians of today, the harder it became for me to ignore this book. Last month I finally picked up this important book and began to read this author's preeminent account of Israeli history. I have been greatly awarded for my effort.It reaffirmed some of the conclusions I had come hold, while at the same time challenging others. This is the importance of this book. It doesn't take sides, and the author spreads the blame for the current (and the past) impasse on all sides. The fact is that there is more than enough blame to go around, but what was interesting was how so much of this conflict was due to nothing more than misunderstandings and each side's inability to view the situation from the other's perspective. So much of this conflict was perpetuated by nothing more than the ruling elites being forced into political and military blunders by domestic political situations. Whether it is Nasser's gross miscalculation in militarizing and closing off the Straits of Tiran to shore up his reputation in Egypt and the larger Arab world, or whether it was Peres' assassination of Yahya Ayyash to toughen up his reputation before Israeli elections, much of this conflict has its roots in bad decisions made by political elites in the hopes of retaining power.Another reason this book struck me was the inherent weakness when it comes to Democratic states and diplomacy. For the two main democratic states in this story, Israel and the U.S., their policies varied wildly from one election to the next. This is very well illustrated by the Carter to Reagan to Bush administrations in the U.S., and is equally illustrated by the Rabin to Peres to Netanyahu in Israel. This schizophrenic diplomacy pursued by the democracies contrasts amazingly with the consistency of the regimes of Jordan and Syria, and magnifies the problems in dealing consistently with states whose foreign policy can change so dramatically every few years. I found this contrast to be enlightening and very informative of how and why this conflict has seen so many ups and downs over the years.This is a very complex and convoluted issue, and any work that attempts to take an honest look at the issues and the history will be a help to any reader in making sense of this conflict. This book is that honest attempt, and that is why it is so important.





Thursday, September 9, 2010

Download PDF Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Country Study Guide

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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Country Study Guide

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Country Study Guide

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Country Study Guide

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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Country Study Guide

Product details

Paperback: 332 pages

Publisher: International Business Publications, USA; Study Guide edition (March 3, 2000)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0739732013

ISBN-13: 978-0739732014

Product Dimensions:

8.3 x 0.7 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

Average Customer Review:

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Download PDF Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud

Download PDF Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud

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Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud

Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud

Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud

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Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud

About the Author

Ace McCloud is a full time professional Author dedicated to studying and executing in peak performance strategies, with a specialty in business, health and the world's best success strategies. Ace has become a master at focusing his energy to deliver world class content that is helpful, easy to understand and enjoyable to read. He was born in 1973 and graduated from Salisbury University with degrees in Business and English. Ace has been studying and implementing in self-development strategies for the last twenty five years, spending thousands of dollars and tremendous amounts of time and energy in this endeavor. His two favorite role models are Tony Robbins and Arnold Schwarzenegger. "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." - Tony Robbins "Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." - Arnold Schwarzenegger "The path to success is to take massive, determined action." - Tony Robbins Ace is a fitness enthusiast, long time body builder, an avid reader and passionate writer. He enjoys writing on subjects that will truly be helpful to thousands of people. Ace has been very successful throughout his life in competitive situations, such as in sales, track and field, games, strength training, running businesses and anything else that he is currently focusing his attention on. Ace has led many teams to victory over the years and during that time has acquired a powerful set of motivational and leadership skills. Ace Attributes his success to his ability to focus his time, energy and strategic thinking skills to a particular goal in a relentless manner until it has been accomplished. Ace makes a strong effort every day to expand his knowledge so that he can bring you world class content each and every time. You can contact Ace at his website to provide your valuable feedback or to check out his incredible books and products at: Thanks for reading!

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Product details

Series: Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live

Paperback: 26 pages

Publisher: Pro Mastery Publishing (March 20, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1640480641

ISBN-13: 978-1640480643

Product Dimensions:

8 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.9 out of 5 stars

15 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,586,090 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I have a client that has tried several times to quit smoking but he always starts back. I found a great tip from this book to motivate him and both he and I are certain he has quit for good this time! The author has this exercise where he says take the cost of a pack of cigarettes and divide it by 20. He explains that that is the cost per cigarette and he says multiply how many you smoke per day by that cost. And he says if you quit that's your daily savings. Then he goes on to explain how to calculate your yearly savings. My client isn't as health conscious as he would like to be but he is super money conscious. Once we sat down and did this exercise together he realized how smoking was holding him back from being able to enjoy some of his favorite hobbies. He's going to take the money he saves from not smoking and buy season tickets to the Bears! I'm glad I found a book to help me help my client.

This is an excellent book that will help you kick the addiction of smoking. I love this book and it has changed my whole life, as it has helped me to quit smoking. It contains proven steps and strategies to help you to quit smoking. It also has natural methods as well as modern methods, therapeutic methods, and time-tested proven methods that make it that much easier to quit smoking. What I like much about this book that it's a complete and effective guide to quit smoking on your own. This book is offered at an effective price of 0.99$ which is even less than our pack of cigarettes.A must recommend book to all smokers for changing your lives and living a healthy life.

Quitting smoking can be quite difficult because its an addictive substance. Smoking is very harmful to our health henceforth we should all strive to stop smoking completely. This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to quit smoking effectively and for a long term. Its a short book that can be read in one sitting and very easy to understand. Once you quit smoking you get to have an improved health,whiter teeth and a brighter smile,breathing more easily, no more stained fingers,better sex life and lots more money to spend. This and many other benefits of quitting smoking should be enough motivation to help you keep out of cigarettes and you can always refer back to them when you feel like going back to your older habits. One other thing you shouldn't do is quit smoking and start dieting at the same time. There some great natural methods to help you quit smoking including,changing what you eat,exercise,find a group and visual aversion. Ace has also included some modern ways of quiting smoking like nicotine gum,nicotine patches,nicotine inhalator,nicotine micro tabs,nicotine lozenges,bupropion among many others. You can purchase this book to help you quit smoking and also for a friend as it will come a long way to your rescue. I highly recommend!

Recently a friend of mine decided to turn his life around by quitting smoking once for all. So we all went out looking for information to help him achieve his goal... and I found this book. To be honest, I just thought it'd be just like any other "quit smoking" book out there, but now I can say I was wrong. It ended up being one of the best content sources my friend is using to accomplish his life changing objective! It's filled with clear, precise, down to earth advice all smokers can start applying right away. Highly recommended!

I have been struggling with smoking since I was in my teens. I have quit before but it is very tough to stay a non smoker as I am sure all you smokers out there already know. I have read a lot about quitting smoking and this book was one of the better ones I have come across. I had no idea about the nicotine microtabs Ace talks about and am definitely going to give those a try. A great read for anyone trying to quit smoking.

My father is addicted to smoking. Being his caring daughter, I pledged to help him quit smoking. While searching for effective references, I came across this book. I must say, this book contains lots of clear, precise and easy to follow tips that can be applied right away. I have tried a few and I am actually seeing a difference in my father's smoking habits. I am definitely going to try all the stated strategies. After all, I love my father above anything else in this world. I strongly recommend this book to all the people out there, who want to quit smoking.

Many smokers want to quit smoking, but some struggle with the process. With McCloud's guide, he shows you how to change your habits for the better. He explains the dangers of smoking and why it's so addictive. In addition, he gives proper tips and easy instructions to follow to quit smoking. He tackles misconceptions about quitting smoking and explains how you can repair your body from the damage smoking causes. This is the ebook for anyone looking to quit smoking!

Smoking is an epidemic these days, so the need for ways to stop and quit are more needed than ever! In this book the author delves into detail of different ways you can quit, and talks about how to do it, what to expect and which ways work better than others!! I highly recommend this great book for anyone wanting to quit smoking!!!

Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud PDF
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Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud PDF

Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud PDF
Quit Smoking: Stop Smoking Now Quickly And Easily: The Best All Natural And Modern Methods To Quit Smoking (Quit Smoking Now Quickly & Easily So You Can Live), by Ace McCloud PDF

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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Download Ebook Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving

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Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving


"A brilliant journey into that magical toy that took over our lives, set world records and continues to fascinate kids and adults the world over.  We've all had one.  We've all played with one.  Finally there's a book that explains 'why'." – Morgan Spurlock 

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About the Author

Ian Scheffler has written for The New Yorker, The Guardian, the Los Angeles Times, and the Los Angeles Review of Books. He holds a degree in English from Columbia University, where he co-edited the Columbia Review. Cracking the Cube is his first book.

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Product details

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Atria Books; Reprint edition (July 4, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1501121936

ISBN-13: 978-1501121937

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.8 x 8.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.6 out of 5 stars

35 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#578,146 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. As someone who is new to cubing, I really enjoyed reading about Ian's experiences at various competitions all over the world. The really great thing about cubing, and something I think is illustrated quite well in this book, is it's not you versus someone. It's you and everyone else against Rubik's Cube. Everyone is so willing to help others that it makes for a very special community.

In this very entertaining book, journalist Ian Scheffler recounts his quest to achieve the nearly impossible – solving the Rubik’s Cube in under 20 seconds. Along the way he seeks advice from numerous unusual but brilliant people from all around the world, from teenaged speedcubing prodigies to brilliant graduate students and grizzled veterans who have been solving the cube since the 80s. The most fascinating person he encounters is the elusive inventor of the cube, Ernő Rubik himself. Whether you are a cubing addict, or someone who has never solved the cube, this is a fascinating and enjoyable read.

I bought this wanting and expecting a guide to solving the cube. This book is NOT that! It's a history of the cube along with the story of one man's quest to get better at solving it. The book is a fast read, and the story is well told... it's a lot better than I thought it would be, but it's not the book I was expecting. "How I Got Better at Solving the Cube" would have been a better title.

This book is not exactly what I am expecting, but it very well written

This is a great book about a guy's cubing adventures. It is not a "How to solve the cube" instruction manual.

Great recreational read. You don't need to be a "cuber" (I've never solved the cube even once in my life) to enjoy this. I met the young author at a book-signing and found him to be intelligent, genuine and friendly. I bought a book for myself and for other family members as gifts. Buy this book and support the up-and-coming authors like him!

Packed with info

Not what I expected going by the title.

Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving PDF
Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving EPub
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Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving iBooks
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Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving PDF

Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving PDF

Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving PDF
Cracking the Cube: Going Slow to Go Fast and Other Unexpected Turns in the World of Competitive Rubik's Cube Solving PDF

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ebook Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch

Ebook Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch

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Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch

Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch

Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch

Ebook Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch

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Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch

From the Author

Baja Fish Tacos  2 c. cabbage, shredded3 T. lime juice, divided2 t. olive oil1/3 c. fresh cilantro, chopped and divided1 t. chili powder1-1/4 lbs. mahi-mahi fillets, 3/4-inch thick8 8-inch corn tortillas, warmed1 avocado, halved, pitted and thinly sliced1/4 c. radishes, slicedGarnish: sour cream, salsa In a bowl, toss cabbage with one tablespoon lime juice; set aside. In ashallow dish, mix oil, remaining lime juice, one tablespoon cilantroand chili powder. Add fish to oil mixture, turning to coat all sides. Letstand for 10 minutes. Spray a countertop grill or stovetop grill pan withnon-stick vegetable spray;preheat grill. Add fish and cook for 5 to7 minutes, turning once, just until cooked through. Remove fish to aplate; break into chunks. Fill each tortilla with cabbage, fish, avocado,radishes and remaining cilantro.Top with sour cream and salsa. Makes8 servings.

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From the Back Cover

Dear Friend, Maybeit's the fresh air or the smoky aroma...but we think just about everything tastesbetter when it's cooked over a fire! For Grilling and Campfire Cooking, we've gathered plenty of easyrecipes to enjoy year 'round. Your family will love Tangy Peach-Glazed Chicken,BBQ BaconCheeseburgers,Firecracker Shrimp and Barbecue Spareribs. Round out the menu with CampfirePotatoes and Tomato & Sweet Corn Salad. Mustard & Herb Strip Steak issure to convince the gang that you're a real grill-master, and Kicked-UpCampfire Beans and Pan-Fried Corn Fritters will be hits at your next picnic. Fordessert, try Grilled Pineapple Sundaes...yum! Since it can't always be sunnyweather, we have a few tricks to get that delicious cookout flavor even onrainy days. Slow-Cooked Kalua Pork and Broiled Honey Chicken are perfect forindoor and RV & camper cooking. We've included plenty of helpful tips too.So... Let's cook out tonight!Jo Ann & Vickie

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Series: Everyday Cookbook Collection

Hardcover: 240 pages

Publisher: Gooseberry Patch (April 17, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1620933403

ISBN-13: 978-1620933404

Product Dimensions:

7.2 x 0.5 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

47 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#379,553 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Grilling & Campfire Cooking from Gooseberry Patch is another wonderful country-style cookbook featuring grilling and campfire recipes. The recipes can be used at home or while away camping as you will find easy recipes featuring foil cooking or more complicated ones better suited for grilling. You will also find a chapter called Cooking Out Indoors that features recipes taste like you cooked outdoors using indoor cooking techniques. Throughout the cookbook you will find lots of beautiful graphics Gooseberry Patch is known for.Some of the recipes you will find in the Gooseberry Patch cookbook include:Lazy-Day Grilled RibsGwen's Pit BeefBalsamic Grilled TomatoesStuffed & Grilled SpudsHot Chilli-Sausage DipBlack Bean Turkey BurgersYummy Meatball SkewersKicked-Up Campfire BeansGirl Scout GoulashSkillet BBQ ChickenKiddies Chicken PacketsBeefy Stew PacketsSlow-Cooked Kalua PorkGrilled Flank Steak SandwichMicrowave Texas BBQ SauceTomato & Sweet Corn SaladZesty Marinated Garden VeggiesAntipasto on a StickChocolate BurritosFresh Fruit TartPie Iron Apple PiesThere is an interactive table of contents making navigation easy.Recommend.

Looking for ideas for my first camping trip, am new to all this camping stuff lol need all the help I can get believe me ' Lots of easy recipes , need that who wants to be tied to a grill all day, that was my big fear , stuck cooking all day for everyone , my hubs one of those ...but I burn everything kind of guys , funny he grilled all the time before I came into the picture ! But anyhow , there's many easy recipes that I am anxious to try, great book for that beginner camper lol that would be ME '

Gooseberry Patch has done it again per their usual unique, and fun-filled cookbook style, which inspires from beginning to end. This cookbook is incredible, and worth every penny in price. The authors once again present a variety of delicious recipes, from people all over the world, contributing to this cookbook edition, which is added to my growing collection. There is so much that this book offers, I'm still amazed, and just looking at some of these recipes, makes you hungry.The recipes given include: Breakfast; Lunch; Dinner; Snacks; Appetizers; Soups; Desserts; Dips & Spreads; Refreshing Drinks; Sauces; And more. The Salad recipes caught our attention as we are already in Summer for AZ, so my daughter has been selecting different salad recipes, for different days of the week. The Appetizers are a sensation, and the Desserts make your mouth water. We tried the Yummy Banana Boat, and will be making it again, there's no way you can pass up this recipe. My daughter wants to try the Roasted Apple & Ice Cream, who wouldn't? At the end of this cookbook, the authors also include Questions & Answers readers may have, and there's a long index of delicious recipes.Most of the recipes are simple, and many are great for the Budget. Each recipe includes the number of servings, directions, and helpful tips. I am anxious to make the Homemade Ice Cream, and the Homemade Burger Buns, and both recipes are easy-to-prepare. We made the Grilled Chicken Marinade, and The Georgia Peach Smoked Chops, absolutely divine! In addition: Recipes include: Pot Roast; Spare-ribs; Fish; Sandwiches; Homemade Relish; Parmesan Bread; Pan-Fried Corn Fritters; And More.We made the Pork And Peach Kabobs, and the Blackberry Skillet Pancakes, both were very tasty, and satisfying. Recipes also include: Vegetables; Pasta; Stew; Tunamelt; Seasonings And Dips; Different Spreads; Meatloaf; Soup; Different Types Of Burgers; Chili; And more.I selected the Sizzling Bacon Asparagus, and the Jalapeno Poppers for my weekend choices, and my daughter selected the Butter And Herb Grilled Shrimp, and the Garlic Cilantro Chicken as her choices. We will leave Updates with new recipes we select, and there will be many more. What a fantastic cookbook, and where we live, we can use it all year long! I will indeed be gifting this cookbook to friends and family on special occasions. Highly recommended!

I bought this as a Christmas gift for my sister-in-law. Both she and my brother seemed to really enjoy the recipes.

Grilling and Campfire Recipies

This book is a wonderful book to have with you when you are camping or outdoor cooking. Gooseberry Patch cookbooks are the best.

Great ideas and techniques!!

Perfect in every way

Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch PDF
Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch EPub
Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch Doc
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Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch Kindle

Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch PDF

Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch PDF

Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch PDF
Grilling and Campfire Cooking (Everyday Cookbook Collection), by Gooseberry Patch PDF

Friday, August 20, 2010

PDF Ebook

PDF Ebook

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Product details

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Publication Date: March 16, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,464,263 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)





Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ebook Download , by Philip Stokes

Ebook Download , by Philip Stokes

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Ebook Download , by Philip Stokes

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Product details

File Size: 31869 KB

Print Length: 338 pages

Publisher: Arcturus (February 20, 2018)

Publication Date: February 20, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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