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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Get Free Ebook How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson

Get Free Ebook How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson

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How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson

How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson

How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson

Get Free Ebook How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson

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How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson

About the Author

Randy Ingermanson is the award-winning author of six novels and the best-selling book Writing Fiction for Dummies. He earned a PhD in theoretical physics from UC Berkeley and is known around the worlds as “the Snowflake Guy” in honor of his magically powerful Snowflake Method. Randy lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and daughters, where he attends to the needs of three surly and demanding cats. Visit Randy at

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Product details

Series: Advanced Fiction Writing

Paperback: 234 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (July 18, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1500574058

ISBN-13: 978-1500574055

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 13 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

498 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#59,751 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

If you've read about the difference between writers who create detailed outlines and writers who sit down and write by the seat of the pants AND you find yourself looking for a middle way, take a look at the snowflake method.I found my own work approach gravitates toward this technique. I'm not thoroughly wedded to it, since I tend to be eclectic in most approaches. I borrow what works for me, discard the rest. In this case, what works for me is the idea of frequently revisiting what I've written to make changes. My first draft is really my fourth or fifth revision for some scenes, my third or fourth for others, etc. My own mental demons will not allow me to just write a "vomit draft" or give me permission to just "write crap" with the intention to revise later. On the other hand, I can get a scene reasonably well-written and move along, fully expecting to come back a few times. Maybe more. And then rewrite even more after the first draft of the manuscript is finished.If you are not psychologically compelled to Robert Ludlum-like outlines before you start or to writing entirely by the seat of the pants, then I strongly recommend you take a look at the snowflake method.The only part of the book that got tiresome for me was the allegory throughout of nursery rhyme characters. There will doubtless be readers who think this is witty and enjoyable. Sorry, to me it was a long, self-conscious schtick.

I consider Randy Ingermanson my valuable mentor whose SNOWFLAKE Method helped me as I published my first book, Bound, But Unshackled, last year. The SNOWFLAKE method is SUPER! I am in my 80s, living in a retirement community, and am thrilled that I have a reason to get up everyday. I love writing, using the internet for my research and enjoying a fun way to channel any new fiction projects, using Randy's Snowflake Method. I am one octogenarian who loves to write who looks forward every day to new adventures that delight my days. Thanks, Randy, for being a very present help in times like these latter years, and making these years FUN for me! Most sincerely, Betty Kirby

I've used Randy's Snowflake Method before from his website ( and while it gave me the best results of any creative paradigm I've tried, the instruction left me feeling a little glassy-eyed.This book is amazing. It is a hidden gem and I hope this review helps others give it a chance.There are three layers to this book - the first layer is that you get to read a novel about a girl who learns how to use the Snowflake method on her own story. You learn right along side Goldilocks without realizing you're learning. The examples she reviews with Baby Bear are just as good as if you went to a conference on your own.The second layer is seeing the application of the lessons. You realize through the story (for me it was about halfway through) that you are actually seeing a plot line unfold that has nothing to do with the World War II story Goldilocks is writing. You might even realize this is the real example Randy was trying to give, not the WWII romance.The third is the actual instruction - and let me say, this instruction was so much clearer than what was on the website. Maybe it's because of the first two layers... but I really feel like I learned so much more from this book than others.Writing books talk about writing like it's the driest thing in the world. Randy's book talks about writing and shows us, three times, that his method works.I don't know what type of writer you are. Maybe the Snowflake method doesn't work for you. But if you've ever read up on it and it sounded interesting, give this book a shot! It is well worth it.

A superb learning guide on everything you need to begin writing the first draft. If you have tried the outlining method and it didn't work for you and you tried the seat of the pants method, then this book is definitely for you.The book starts out as a story while teaching you the 10 steps to the Snowflake method. So you not only have an entertaining way to learn, but you also get solid examples.I love the new step 9(it differs from his website).This book takes the information learned from his website and demonstrates it using the story presented in the beginning of the book. I learned that I didn't fully understand the way it was supposed to work. I also found that I seemed to have been doing it right...I just haven't finished yet.I found that the main character had the same fears and doubts that I did. Exactly. It was as if Dr. Ingermanson could read my thoughts as I read.I found it extremely hard to put down. I just purchased this the day before yesterday and i finished it this morning.Great job!!!Update:After reading this book, I did all ten steps and in just two months and seven days after started my first draft, I finished it. It was 232 double-spaced using 12 Courier New Font. I am currently planning the next one...

This is a very good book on writing fiction. They say there are two kinds of writers: outliners and "pantsers" - people who write by the seat of their pants, without an outline. As a writer, I'm a pantser all the way. There's just this little problem. About half way through writing a novel, about 50,000 words in, I find myself stuck. I don't let this worry me anymore. I know it's going to happen and I know I'll work through it.The "Snowflake Method" is a way to write a novel as more of an outliner. It goes into helpful detail about developing characters, setting, dialog and plot. It gives you an outline/overview of what you need to figure out before (or in the middle) of a book. What I like about it is I can use as much of it as is helpful, and leave the rest alone. If you struggle to come up with enough ideas and details to write a whole book, The Snowflake Method just might be the answer to completing it.

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How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson PDF

How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson PDF

How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson PDF
How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method (Advanced Fiction Writing) (Volume 1), by Randy Ingermanson PDF