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Monday, July 4, 2011

Get Free Ebook Orphaned

Get Free Ebook Orphaned

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Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 4 hours and 18 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Dreamscape Media, LLC Release Date: September 25, 2018

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

A fitting conclusion to Schrefer's beautifully written and hugely entertaining Ape Quartet. This book focuses on Snub, a prehistoric gorilla who comes into contact with early humans as a result of volcanic eruptions. The physical descriptions are vivid as always, and the ape characters even more fully rounded than the humans. I'm not a huge fan of verse novels, which is why I gave the book 4 stars instead of 5. But the idea of telling the story from Snub's point of view was ingenious, and this series remains one of my favorite YA series ever.

Set in the Paleolithic era (about 2.6 million years ago), Snub, a young gorilla, lives peacefully with her family; Silverback, Mother, Brother, Wrinkle, and Teased. Snub soon learns that there are great dangers in her world. She is separated from her family, and only has her new baby brother, Breath, to keep her company. Snub must find her way back home, and to her family. With new and interesting friends, and dangerous enemies, along the way, can Snub finally be reunited with her family once more?My favorite character was Orphan. She is kind and likes figuring things out. She forms a great friendship with Snub and is compassionate and helpful. Orphan is an interesting character and a big part of the story.Throughout the story, Snub often finds members of her family, only to be immediately separated again. This added lots to Snub’s personality and actions, because it made her more determined to find her family. Also, at the top of some pages where a new event begins, illustrations of gorillas are shown to indicate which characters are in the current section. It was a beautiful artistic touch.This book was mainly about determination and perseverance to find those you love. Snub wouldn’t give up until she found her family. It was a very inspiring theme and gave the book character and depth.I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars because of the format, and the gorilla vocalizations. Throughout the story, words like “mrgh” or “hoo” were used in italics to “represent” human words and feelings. It was very confusing, but I still enjoyed this book overall. I recommend this poetic narrative to children ages 9-13, as well as adults. The book is a medium length of 305 pages, and is the fourth book in Eliot Schrefer’s ape quartet, but has no connection to the previous three books. Happy Reading!Review by Brooke Z., Age 12, Delaware Valley Mensa

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Ebook Free , by Erik Valeur

Ebook Free , by Erik Valeur

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, by Erik Valeur

, by Erik Valeur

, by Erik Valeur

Ebook Free , by Erik Valeur

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, by Erik Valeur

Product details

File Size: 3799 KB

Print Length: 642 pages

Publisher: Amazon Crossing (April 1, 2014)

Publication Date: April 1, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Enhanced Typesetting:


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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#296,672 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I chose this book out of four Kindle First offerings and for the first half thought I'd made a disturbing mistake. This is not a fast paced book but the mystery is there and it will eventually be unraveled. My problem was not so much that it was long - it was that it's long, creepy, weird and dark. The mystery of an unidentified dead woman on a Danish beach does draw you in initially but that is not really the main focus of the story, and it's the background and current lives of the characters described in excruciatingly minute and bizarre detail that repelled me. There is a mystery child whose identity becomes apparent long before the book ends, but I still found it interesting to see how everything came together. I have to agree with another reviewer that the children's feelings of alienation, rather than longing, dominate their stories and it makes them rather one-dimensional. For me the pace of the book picked up in the second half and it felt like more of an actual story (albeit a dark one), rather than just the ramblings of a disturbed mind. I'd advise other readers to stick with it.

As a reader, I always want to love a book. I certainly don't start a novel with the hopes that it will bore me to tears. But this one nearly did just that.This story is endless, and not in a good way. There are pages upon pages of nothing happening. Somewhere within it all I'm fairly sure there is a decent plot, though the sheer excess of words left me floundering for some reason to continue this torturous event.The narration keeps us at a distance, as if we're being told this story by someone who heard someone else telling another person what happened. I never felt connected to the characters. Despite what should have been dramatic material, I didn't feel the emotion.There are a lot of characters and not a lot of rhyme or reason to the way it's all presented. By the midway point, I thought the weight of the words would crush me into nothingness. I'm sure there is something here to love; I just couldn't find that something.

...and it's this book. I managed to wade through the whole thing, at first because I figured it had to get better (it didn't) and eventually because I knew I had to warn people here and it wouldn't be fair if I didn't read it all.The author would have us believe that all adopted children, whether they've been told the circumstances of their birth or not, will forever feel the rejection of their birth parents and will never, ever truly belong with their adoptive families. Those who don't know they are adopted, will nevertheless have this nagging feeling that they don't really fit in. Adoptive families, it seems, will always treat the adopted child as if they are second rate and not quite good enough.This book is full of overwrought characters who are weighed down with guilt for things for which no one in their right mind would blame them...not just one character with misplaced guilt, but almost all of them. Occasionally a character will prostrate themselves on the floor in an overly dramatic display of angst, much like a two year old having a temper tantrum. The adopted children are all emotionally scarred adults who can't maintain relationships with spouses or their own children.Besides the lack of realistic characters, the writing is old-fashionedly verbose. The author spends too much time explaining, describing and setting the stage for events when he just needs to put the characters in the situation and let the background details unfold as they are needed. The characters are shallow, but the author explains every shovelful of their character in a vain attempt to give them the illusion of depth. The result is the reader has to dig through the dirt to find the story.

I liked the author's writing--good character development, word use, grammer etc. It is far superior to the bubble gum fiction writing style that seems in vogue with so many American writers. I also thought the underlying story was very interesting, but I was continually conflicted without quite knowing why. Eventually I realized that I could not buy in to (and was offended by) the repeated characterizations of adoption as a horror or an atrocity. I should say that I read the book as a story about an event rather than one about a specific character. Had I read with the later perspective I might have reacted differently.This is a story about a handful of children, born in the 1960s and placed during in an orphanage at roughly the same time for adoption. At least one of the children in the story was fathered by a powerful, on-the-rise man and birthed by young (under 25) mother, imprisoned when she became pregnant (I don't recall the author ever using the word rape). Much of the story is about the children, all of whom are adopted by parent(s) who love them. Little is said about the birth mothers, their lives or experiences. The author, though the character of one of the now-adult children, repeatedly describes the adoption of these children an outrage, a horror, something grotesque. This character decides that the now powerful man should be called to account, and trampels through the lives of the other now adult adoptees to obtain this result.I can easily find outrage in the men's conduct, but there is little emphasis on that specifically. I can associate many (and opposite) adjectives and emotions with adoption: joy, love, excitement, responsibility, sadness, pain, fear, dispair.While others have commented negatively about length, I like long, well developed stories. That said, there was quite a bit of repetition, almost as if segments were written as standalone pieces with complete descriptions, and then assembled into a whole.

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