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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Download Ebook , by Caimh McDonnell

Download Ebook , by Caimh McDonnell

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, by Caimh McDonnell

, by Caimh McDonnell

, by Caimh McDonnell

Download Ebook , by Caimh McDonnell

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, by Caimh McDonnell

Product details

File Size: 2024 KB

Print Length: 360 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: McFori Ink (January 23, 2017)

Publication Date: January 23, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#11,018 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Caimh McDonnell's 'Dublin Trilogy' has a good many fans. I agree with the ones who advise reading the novels in order. This is a series where the vibrantly drawn characters matter and we do need to get to know them as their relationships unfold. I have read the first two novels: so far, the hapless characters we need to keep an eye on are Paul Mulchrone (well-meaning mensch); Bunny McGarry (Paul's former hurling coach; a more than tough police detective that would make Columbo look like a snappy dresser); Bridget Conroy (nurse with an anger-management problem) and Phil Lewis (Paul's best friend, even more hopeless than Paul.) This story adds Maggie, a police dog who needed rescuing after her period of service ended. Then there is the mysterious blonde with the clingy red dress. The plots expand quickly to include an activist priest, assorted 'bent' real estate developers and planning officials and an army of aggrieved investors in a massively embezzled from housing project. Then the terror begins.For most of the story, Bunny is (where else?) lost, presumably on a monumental binge. Paul and Bridget, now partners in a new private detection agency, are looking for him with notable lack of skill. Plus, due to the 'mother of all misunderstandings' they are not talking to each other. The perpetually penniless Paul needs a car for this investigation and Phil can borrow one. Even with these handicaps they are outperforming the local constabulary, who are hamstrung by ego issues at the top of the hierarchy and by an anti-terrorist squad that needs to find terrorists in order to get a workout. Excitable citizens will do in a pinch. The able police are represented by Detective Constable Wilson, who played a creditable role in the first novel and by newly promoted Detective Superintendent Susan Burns. Just from the lineup of characters, one sees endless possibilities for biting humor and physical comedy.

Wish I were more articulate. But not to worry! Each book in thus series is written by some one who is able to put thoughts into words. And he dies it very well. I live the details about the characters. You don't get bogged down, but rather buoyed up, because it's pretty darn funny. Lots of digressions, but always returns to the task at hand, making the journey all the more interesting. I get caught up in his style as much as the story and the humor. What a great series. Do hope it goes on after the fourth part.

Book two of a four part trilogy? Right away this clued me in that the author might be a little bent. The Day That Never Comes continues with the majority of the characters introduced in A Man with One of Those Faces, the lead off to a refreshing series by a gifted recently arrived writer in the field. We have our leads,Bunny-a hard bitten Irish cop with a strong sense of what is right and little compunction on how he achieves it, Paul-socially challenged, intelligent, good hearted and looking for something to wrap his life around and our third lead, Brigit-strong willed, alpha female, brilliant, but doesn't always think things through before acting. The three of them have recently formed a private investigation agency just before Bunny disappeared while Dublin threatens to melt down due to civil unrest. One of the author's strengths is blending serious fiction with humor without turning the whole affair into slapstick. Bad things happen to good people, there is some violence, and the endings aren't necessarily standard happily ever after but the tension along the way is relieved by frequent doses of belly laugh humor that had still had me occasionally smiling and chuckling hours later when doing something else entirely The plot is ordinary, its the characters and their interactions that steal the show. Add in a strong supporting cast of well drawn secondary characters and bad girls/guys and you have a read that sets a high bar for satisfying entertainment. I read a lot of reviews and wade through a lot of Kindle sample downloads lookin for good entertainment and when I stumble on the rare jewel like this all the effort is worth it.Note:One of those 'well drawn secondary characters', Maggie is newly introduced in this book and turns out to be one of the stars. Maggie is an attack trained dog previously under order of death by the Irish police due to an unfortunate incident involving drugs and impulse control. Details of Maggies' sordid past are available in the book, How To Send A Message, free at the author's website- -sorry Amazon won't let me leave an outside link, you'll actually have to type it in by hand(go ahead, type it in and live like an animal). Most author freebies tend to be early work and I have rarely found them worth the time to read, where How To Send A Message seems to me to be as well written as the rest of McDonnell's Dublin Trilogy entries. The other stories included were more than 'just readable' as well, especially one about a small, select group of Catholic nuns formed to secretly intervene in other counties affairs. Horah!

At least McDonnell didn't kill off Bunny McGarry, who I missed throughout the story. He finally turned up at the end. But he did give us Maggie--I loved Maggie!--and that almost made up for very little Bunny. This was an interesting mix of bad guys and a political tutorial. MCDonnell peoples his story with really quirky characters. In addition to being quirky, at least two of them are mensches. You have to love his main characters, but many of his supporting cast are interesting characters in their own right. Like the police chief who's into expensive shoes. Nor did I find this as funny as the first one even though there were still some very good lines that brought a smile. Regardless, I am a fan and hope that McDonnell continues to write interesting, funny, absorbing stories.

I've read A Man With One of Those Faces and I'm already on to Angels In the Moonlight. I enjoy the individual voices of his characters, they evoke a real world feeling. I'd like to know some of his characters. I'm of two minds about his books though. I'd love to see a movie, or better yet a tv series developed with these characters...but I also want to selfishly keep them to myself. I hope you enjoy this book, I did, but don't tell anyone else about them.

this guy needs to get writing faster because I cannot wait for his next book! I love the main character, and all the other characters too for that matter. It's so funny yet has this great plot at the heart of it. I really want to go to Ireland just to hear the dialect now.

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Friday, June 19, 2015

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The Lotus Sutra

About the Author

The translator, Bishop Senchu Murano, was an ordained priest in Nichiren Shu. Murano earned a degree in East Asian Studies from the University of Washington in 1938 and served as a teacher of Buddhist studies at Rissho University in Tokyo from 1962 to 1979.

Read more

Product details

Paperback: 450 pages

Publisher: Nichiren Buddhist International Center; 3rd edition (November 10, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0971964564

ISBN-13: 978-0971964563

Product Dimensions:

5.8 x 1 x 8.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

12 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,353,029 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The One Vehicle - greatest of all the Buddha's teachings, past, present or future. All who call themselves Buddhist should study the the Lotus Sutra, recite it, and practice in accord with its teachings. All other sutras and Buddhist practice is for the purpose revealed in the Lotus Sutra. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo!

A great translation of a classic and profound Buddhist sutra. Plus, the glossary of terms is extensive and easy to navigate.


A big book of blessings. A cluster of blessings. Ch 18 is disappointing, I have some issues with the content of it. Over this is a good book.

excellent reminder

A good translation true to the original yet readable and also very accessible for purely devotional use. A good addition to a spiritual library.

It is a wonderful interpretation of the Lotus Sutra.

It is the Top.

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Free Download Ye Castle Stinketh: Could You Survive Living in a Castle? (Ye Yucky Middle Ages (Paperback)), by Chana Stiefel

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Ye Castle Stinketh: Could You Survive Living in a Castle? (Ye Yucky Middle Ages (Paperback)), by Chana Stiefel

Ye Castle Stinketh: Could You Survive Living in a Castle? (Ye Yucky Middle Ages (Paperback)), by Chana Stiefel

Ye Castle Stinketh: Could You Survive Living in a Castle? (Ye Yucky Middle Ages (Paperback)), by Chana Stiefel

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Ye Castle Stinketh: Could You Survive Living in a Castle? (Ye Yucky Middle Ages (Paperback)), by Chana Stiefel

Product details

Series: Ye Yucky Middle Ages (Paperback)

Paperback: 48 pages

Publisher: Enslow Publishers (October 1, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1598453742

ISBN-13: 978-1598453744

Product Dimensions:

7.4 x 0.1 x 8.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,074,375 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

You learn about the rats, fleas, and how the waste was disposed of (bare rear hanging over a cliff, anyone?). It's just the right level of funny grossness that most pre-teens would find captivating (in that weird way that they enjoy being disgusting). It's light-hearted and has a lot of good facts, cartoonish, yet de-romanticizes the Dark Ages by bringing out the real unsanitary living conditions. Good book!

My grandson will love this. Arrived on time and just what I expected.

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Ye Castle Stinketh: Could You Survive Living in a Castle? (Ye Yucky Middle Ages (Paperback)), by Chana Stiefel PDF