Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Download , by Beth Hensperger

Download , by Beth Hensperger

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, by Beth Hensperger

, by Beth Hensperger

, by Beth Hensperger

Download , by Beth Hensperger

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, by Beth Hensperger

Product details

File Size: 26434 KB

Print Length: 643 pages

Publisher: Harvard Common Press (April 30, 2000)

Publication Date: April 30, 2000

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#72,176 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I purchased a bread machine so we could start eating healthier breads. I wish I'd read through all the reviews before purchasing this book so I would have read the warnings about gluten in the recipes.. I was really excited to get this book, but so disappointed when I started flipping through the recipes and kept seeing gluten in every single recipe! The only ones that don't have gluten are the few recipes for gluten free breads in the book.. Gluten is one of the biggest things we want to cut out, so obviously, I won't be using any in these recipes.. Not sure how the breads will turn out without it, but I'll try at least one.. I had purchased a Betty Crocker bread machine book and there isn't one recipe in that book that calls for Gluten.. I'm not really sure why the author of this book feels it's so important to add to all the recipes, but if you're like me and want to cut Gluten out of your diet as much as possible, skip this book and purchase the Betty Crocker bread machine cook book..

very little in this of interest to me.

Yes, w book is packed with lots of recipes for your bread machine, but should you buy it? If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't buy it. Although the recipes are great, I just wanted basic bread machine recipes. If all you want are basic bread recipes, the King Arthur Flour website has a wide variety of bread and dough recipes available for FREE. If, however, you want a larger variety of recipes and more in depth explanations of the art of bread-making, this is the book for you.

This cookbook has made me a successful breadmaker in quick order. I made 2 recipes that came with my Oster breadmaker recipe book, but when I received this book, I've only used recipes from it. It is 600+ pages of recipes & info necessary for successful breadmaking, even at 8500 ft where I live. The author talks about bread machines, ingredients, techniques, she walks you thru your 1st loaf, using a starter, delay timer, high altitude baking, troubleshooting & how to fix problems.The recipes are arranged as: Daily Breads: White & Egg Breads; Earth's Bounty: Whole Wheat, Whole Grain & Specialty Flour Breads; Traditional Loaves: Country & Sourdough Breads; All Kinds of Flavors: Made with Garden Produce, Orchard & Dairy; Pizzas & other Flatbreads; Sweet Loaves: Chocolate, Fruit & Other; No-Yeast Quick Breads; Jams, Preserves & Chutneys; Appendix 1: Crumbs, Croutons, Crostini & Toasted Appetizers; Appendix 2: Spreads, Butters, Cheeses & Veggies to eat with your Bread! How's that for all-encompassing!The tabs I've put in my book for quick access (I haven't bought bread since I got my machine & this book a month ago):Cuban bread, Burger/Hotdog buns, Pasta, 3-Seed WW, Pretzels, Whole Grains, Sennebec Bread, Sourdough, Pizza, Flatbread, Breakfast, Holiday, Portuguese, Quick, Cranberry Tea Bread. Favorite recipes are 9-Grain Honey Bread, Pizza dough, Portuguese Sweet Bread which I've given as gifts, whole wheat dinner rolls (my favorite for texture & flavor), Pumpkin Challah, Morning Sicky Buns (cinnamon rolls), Rose Rolls (to die for), I could go on & on.Since I'm at high altitude, I use a little more gluten, more or less yeast depending on other ingredients (read the book), & sub a lot of whole wheat flour & oat bran for health. A few recipes I won't make again: Banana Oatmeal bread tasted like sandwich bread w/hint of banana (good but not what expected), Zucchini Bread, also good dinner bread but not for dessert, & Irish Potato Brown bread was bland. But many more recipes I tried I put 4 1/2 or 5 stars next to & I'm looking forward to trying so many more.

The only thing that would make this book better: measurements given in grams instead of cups. I've been using this bread machine cookbook since it was published, which means I've made almost every variety of loaf. As someone who bakes often, I use a scale and find it gives the most accurate results. Calculating this book's recipes into weights instead of volumes is way beyond my abilities and probably for an expert baker only.I've experienced difficulty with the fruit & nut breads not baking properly/rising properly, but have only attempted those recipes one time each, and then only one or two recipes - even a frequent baker can make errors with recipes, so I'll have to become more familiar with how to judge the dough as it's being kneaded in order to make any liquid/dry ingred. adjustments. I haven't tried making pasta or jams, so can't speak about how they turn out, nor have I made pizza dough.This book is massive in size, and it can be difficult to find specific loaves or information pages - if you don't remember the exact name of a loaf, forget about using the index, ditto the headline pages and other special sections.I've got so many dog-eared pages, marked with dates, any recipe adjustments, comments about crust and crumb, and my husband's 'loves' - that my copy looks almost hexagonal, lol. I've made our favorites many, many times as well as explored different loaves nearly every week, and 98% turn out perfectly. I use a Zojirushi Virtuoso bread machine - a machine I highly recommend for the shape of the loaves, 1 1/2 & 2 lb. loaf size options, variety of settings, and ease of use. I've had this machine as long as I've had the Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook, only replacing the loaf pan once.

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, by Beth Hensperger PDF

, by Beth Hensperger PDF
, by Beth Hensperger PDF


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