Saturday, August 1, 2015

Download Ebook Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling!

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Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling!

Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling!

Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling!

Download Ebook Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling!

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Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling!


"Now here is a title as unique as the book itself! Would You Like to See the House is the first book from interior designer and Geminola vintage clothing storeowner Lorraine Kirke, who is known for her fearless and beautiful interiors. Her flair for the dramatic, use of bold color palettes, wild wallpaper designs, and rooms that mix both antiques and Boho take eclectic designs to the next level. Inspirational and innovative ideas to bring color, drama, and life in your home are illustrated through 200 lavish photographs."-ARRAY MAGAZINE

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About the Author

Lorraine Kirke is an interior designer and the owner of Geminola, a vintage clothing boutique in New York. Patti Stoecker is a photographer and the owner of Posh Vintage, a vintage clothing boutique in Miami Beach.

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Product details

Hardcover: 224 pages

Publisher: Rizzoli (April 19, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0847847500

ISBN-13: 978-0847847501

Product Dimensions:

8.3 x 1.2 x 10.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.7 out of 5 stars

16 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#259,985 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

As I sit down to write this review, I am largely confined at home, waiting for a broken ankle to heal, and Lorraine Kirke's "Would You Like to See the House" is acting as a most welcome magic carpet, taking me to new realms and opening vistas of intense color and originality. This modestly-sized but beautifully produced book from Rizzoli is a good companion to the same publisher's "It's the Little Things" by Susanna Salk, for each is destined to set alight its readers' imaginations and spark decorating efforts, although Kirke's book, in contrast to the other, reflects a consistent, highly-personalized style.And what a style that is, the style of my dreams and fantasies! In an epigraph to the book, the actress Lena Dunham has spoken of Kirke's decorating style as "part New Orleans brothel, part upper-crust teatime....and theater sets...." I cannot argue with these characterizations, but I would add that it reflects strong Bohemian and French influences, as well as a fairly unique-to-Kirke flair for the use of intense color on nearly every surface capable of bring painted or covered. Indeed, this strong use of color binds together disparate objects and produces ultimately a harmonious and surprisingly restful symphony.

One of the most interesting decorating books I have ever read. I feel inspired every time I look at the pictures. It gave me courage to use unique ideas in my recent home renovation. I learned from this book that all kinds of unusual decorating features will work and make the home more interesting. I showed this book to my Contractor and it sparked his creative side. After looking at this book, he dug through my storage shed and located items he could incorporate into the renovation. If I hadn't studied this book I probably wouldn't have had the courage to do some of the unusual features I used in my home. I absolutely love this book! And will continue to enjoy it for years.

I kept checking this out from the library and finally decided I just needed to buy my own copy. I'm a huge fan of Lorraine Kirkes decorating style, though I think the person who did the photography on this book deserves a lot of credit, too. Let me start by saying Ms. Kirkes style isn't for everyone, but it suits me just fine. I love her use of color and composition, old and new treasures, and unique uses for common and unusual items. She mixes expensive and inexpensive very, very well. I could easily just move in to any one of her homes featured, that's how much her style speaks to me! Interestingly, I recently found the real estate listing for the beach home featured in the book and was fascinated by what it looked like in those photos compared to the pictures in the book (with all her things in the house and rooms). Several rooms were completely different than I imagined them from the book, because of the darker lighting and the cropped and angled photographs. It was an interesting house, but I think I preferred it with her things inside it! It really made it all come together. (It was fun though to look at the book and photos on the computer and do a compare and contrast!) What I also appreciate about this book (as I do many of my other favorite home decor books similar to this) is I never fail to notice or appreciate something I hadn't seen or noticed when I'd looked at it however many times before. There is always something inspiring to be found and taken away, which makes this book quite valuable to me for that alone.

The furniture and color palettes featured in this volume = a very joyous me. The lived-in, but luscious looks featured here bring a soul-comforting holiday from a Pottery Barn world of neutral faux-perfection. I can’t be the only one bored by living rooms that look like the lobby of a business class hotel? So I’m definitely the target audience for Kirke’s work. However, the blurry matte photos REALLY bummed me out and since many of the rooms are photographed several times, the book begins to feel highly repetitive. Some of the grainy pics really appear more like art renderings than photos. Mixing in some glossy detail photos would have been amazing; all the images here are so very matte, flat, and one-note that it robs these drool-worthy interiors of their true verve. But my main issue was the intense odor of the inks/dyes and other sundry publishing chemicals. It knocks you right over. Both my mother and I, who were so incredibly eager to pore over this, had burning eyes and coated hands after handling this. I expect these odors from cheap textiles that cry for a good airing out, not a quality coffee table book. Promptly returned; I’m not grateful for the headache-inducing dyes—far from the hospitable invite this book aims to be.

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Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling! PDF

Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling! PDF

Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling! PDF
Would You like to See the House?: Unapologetic Interiors Filled With Color, Verve, Oh And There's A Door On The Ceiling! PDF


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