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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Friday, December 30, 2016

Get Free Ebook , by Suzanne Collins

Get Free Ebook , by Suzanne Collins

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, by Suzanne Collins

, by Suzanne Collins

, by Suzanne Collins

Get Free Ebook , by Suzanne Collins

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, by Suzanne Collins

Product details

File Size: 3486 KB

Print Length: 464 pages

Publisher: Scholastic Australia; 1 edition (February 8, 2012)

Publication Date: January 30, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#269,621 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Before reading The Hunger Games trilogy, I had more than a few people tell me the first two books were good, but the last one was lacking. I couldn't disagree more. The story is harsh, gruesome, and bleak. It had to be. It's a first person account of an individual who has survived two Hunger Games and plays a major role in a revolution. Of course it's going to be brutal. Had the story drawn to a close with Katniss standing majestically with trumpets blaring and flags waving, it would have been completely unrealistic.I also heard a few people express disappointment in the conclusion of the Katniss/Peeta storyline. I've read people's reviews taking issue with how Katniss and Peeta are represented at the end of Mockingjay, asking "Where's the passion?" Passion? Are they insane? First of all, the story is told in first person by a character who is admittedly not at all comfortable being demonstrative and doesn't respond well to those who are. There was never going to be a hearts/candy/flowers declaration happening here. Peeta has a borderline obssessive love for Katniss throughout most of the trilogy. The way I read the story, by the end of the first Hunger Games, she returns the feeling. Though hesitant to think why she does the things she does, or to state it aloud, she expresses it in so many different ways throughout the remainder of the trilogy, there really is no doubt. Despite the fact that she is suffering major PTSD, she agrees to take on the stress of being the symbol of revolution and take a front line role to bring him back. Regardless of the amount of trauma they both endure, they still eventually turn back to each other. Gale was a strong character, but he had not gone through what Katniss did in the arena and would never have been able to understand that part of her. The time she spends clinging to him and avoiding Peeta is essentially an attempt to return to the person she was before the games (which was never going to happen). Peeta was the walking, living, breathing reminder of the trauma endured. I thought it telling that Peeta returned to Region 12. Like Gale, he could have gone anywhere when it was all over, yet he went where Katniss was. Really, Katniss, Peeta and Haymitch needed each other to become human again (or as human as they were ever going to be). Katniss reminded me of uncles I had who, when they returned from war, sat in a darkened room, staring at a wall day after day for over a year before they could handle being amongst the living again.I'll admit part of me would have liked President Snow's demise to be more than it was. Considering the amount of suffering he caused, part of me is bloodthirsty enough to have wanted him to suffer a great deal more. There are also characters I would have liked to survive (Finnick, Cinna, and Prim to name a few), but their deaths helped to illustrate the randomness and unfairness of death in wartime.There are parts of this story we'll never get to see because it is told from Katniss' point of view. We see only what she sees and know only what she thinks is going on. I, for one, would be interested in knowing more about events of the story from Peeta and/or Haymitch's point of view. Peeta's fight back from his memory hijacking would be an intriguing read.Ultimately, I found this book engaging, infuriating, exhausting, and funny all at the same time. To have had Katniss serene and sweetly declaring life to be sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows would have been absurd. She is with a husband (partner?) whom she loves and is utterly devoted to. She has two children she loves, but is worried what they will think when they know the role their parents played in the past. She and Peeta are happy, but remain somewhat haunted which is perfectly realistic for what the characters have gone through.

You know a book is good when it crawls inside your head and snuggles there. When you are thinking through it as you read it, and thinking about it long after you’ve read the last word on the last page.I had little to no expectations when I first started reading the Hunger Games Trilogy. If a book is trending and seems interesting, I will add it to my “to read” list. This is how I first started reading Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games. After finishing Mockingjay, I was blown away. All I could think was, how many of the YA readers will understand the nuances of Collins’ message?She hooked you in with the “will she or won’t she” scenario. “Will she or won’t she” pick Peeta or Gale? “Will she or won’t she” survive a game that does not allow for love to shine through? Those questions get you through the first book, and possibly half way through the second book, but those same questions are a moot point with Mockingjay.Mockingjay stripped you of your hopeless romantic naiveté. There is no room for romance when the world is collapsing around you. There is barely room to breathe. There are no good guys or bad guys, only survivors. Mockingjay asks difficult moral questions: can man ever hold seats of power without corruption? Can war ever actually solve a dispute? At what price is man willing to pay for absolute power?I won’t even go into Collins’ varied symbolisms. Part of the pleasure of reading is finding them yourselves and asking yourself what the author is telling you, the reader. It becomes a communication between the author and the reader. It makes the novel Mockingjay even more important because it is written for younger readers, our future, those that will decide the world events of tomorrow. Collins does all this without a lecture, without loosing her characters or her plot, she has crafted an incredibly well written story that I would gladly recommend to anyone who asks.After I finished reading Mockingjay I had the same feeling as I had when I finished reading The Lord of the Flies so many years ago. Yes, I am comparing Mockingjay to a classic. There is no way around it. Mockingjay, like Lord of the Flies, asks you deep moralistic questions through the point of view of young characters. This is simply another great novel that makes you go hmmm.My favorite quotes from Mockingjay:“Frankly, our ancestors don’t seem much to brag about. I mean, look at the state they left us in, with the wars and the broken planet. Clearly, they didn’t care about what would happen to the people who came after them.”“It’s a saying from thousands of years ago, written in a language called Latin about a place called Rome,” he explains. “Panem et Circuses translates into ‘Bread and Circuses’. The writer was saying in return for full bellies and entertainment, his people had given up their political responsibilities and therefore their power.”“Something is significantly wrong with a creature that sacrifices its children’s lives to settle its differences.”

My long ago 9th grader classical history students alerted me to this trilogy during a discussion on the Minotaur. I asked if anyone knew what a "tribute" was and every hand shot up. We had a sidebar on the Hunger Games. As soon as class was dismissed, I ordered my Kindle copy.I immediately understood Katniss: the mindset to survive unthinkable tragedy, to distrust as first reflex, to protect others, to wrap oneself in emotional distance - yep I got that. Refusal to be a game piece, to surrender myself, That she was in her teens and I in my 40's mattered not a whit. Still, many years later, Katniss and I amble through a reunion - a literary walkabout is still a fresh experience. This is unusual for me. (The films, though entertaining and generally well done, can't compete with the story in my head. Though I confess the idea of drinking fruit juices recommended by s Donald Sutherland voiceover can give me chills.)Peeta's deep love for Katniss and her misunderstanding of it in so many ways - especially feeling unworthy of it - I also understand. I am fortunate to have married my Peeta. He may not have Collins' character 's gift for the right words, I know he loves me always.The other marvelous folks who populate the books are an odd sort of family now. Reading their collective story never gets old. And they always remind me to be my fierce though flawed, self and never be a piece in anyone's games.

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Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair

Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair

Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair

Free Download Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair

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Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair

About the Author

Daryl Adair is one of Canada's most active passenger railway travelers. Through his Winnipeg-based Rail Travel Tours, he operates tours on many of Canada's passenger trains, providing interesting "insider knowledge" about the trains, the towns they pass through, and the local features to be enjoyed in each community on the trip.

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Product details

Paperback: 248 pages

Publisher: Fitzhenry and Whiteside; Revised edition (September 12, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1554552982

ISBN-13: 978-1554552986

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.6 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

9 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#382,719 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Adair’s comprehensive guide emphasizes what riders may see, mile by mile, while traversing Canada by rail. Each leg opens with a brief introduction to the route, then continues with a few paragraphs spotlighting items on that portion of the journey. Section lengths vary (generally 10-35 miles) depending on the route’s length and include highlights for travelers. Commentary may reference history, natural attractions, local lore, and/or web pages to consult for more in depth information. Maps of the tracked area are embedded in the text, pinpointing place names. The primary focus of this book is what is notable about the passing landscape.Photos show pages 130-134 of the 2014 Canadian Rail Travel Guide, covering VIA’s Canadian Route. The subsection highlights from Edmonton to Jasper: Edson. Contents are broken out as follows: Mileages 4-18, Mileages 19-33, Mileages 43 [sic]-53, Mileages 54-122, Mileages 123-151, Mileages 193-199, and Mileages 200-235. As you see, this particular subsection begins with a single sentence introduction, includes two maps crossing onto a second page, shows a photograph of the train by Moose Lake, and finishes with a ¾ page orientation to Jasper. These pages are fairly typical.Because Canadian Rail Travel Guide is tightly focused on the train vistas and rail routes, consider packing Graham’s Trans-Canada Rail Guide if you want to disembark and explore terminus points.

This book is highly focused on the trains themselves, with some good information about the towns they serve.

This book gave us in-sites into what to watch for, when to be watching, what to expect and just generally gave us a good heads-up on the whole experience.

If you take the Canadian you need this in reach. If you visit Canada you must see it by rail.

Will be nice on our train trip in Feb. knowing what is up ahead will give us a better chance of getting the best views. Information is clear and concise, exactly what I was looking for.

a good source of information

Great assistance for our trip through Canada. Highly recommend :)

seems very comprehensive.

Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair PDF
Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair EPub
Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair Doc
Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair iBooks
Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair rtf
Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair Mobipocket
Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair Kindle

Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair PDF

Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair PDF

Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair PDF
Canadian Rail Travel Guide, by Daryl Adair PDF

Friday, December 23, 2016

Ebook Download , by Sarah Rayne

Ebook Download , by Sarah Rayne

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, by Sarah Rayne

, by Sarah Rayne

, by Sarah Rayne

Ebook Download , by Sarah Rayne

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, by Sarah Rayne

Product details

File Size: 739 KB

Print Length: 256 pages

Publisher: Severn House (November 1, 2011)

Publication Date: September 1, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Word Wise: Enabled

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Enhanced Typesetting:


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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#322,228 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This is a ghost story, but I would not classify it in the horror genre. As a few other reviewers have noted, it's a "cozy ghost/horror" novel, if such a genre exists. While there are a few dastardly deeds done in the past that need to be uncovered and righted, there is hardly anything scary, frightening, creepy or chilling that happens in the book. Or maybe I should say, there are, but the way they are written is so matter of fact that they end up feeling more like every day occurrences than anything horrific. This is exemplified by the fact that the two main characters begin investigating the possible hauntings going on with no more surprise, confusion or trepidation than a person would exhibit on a trip to the grocery store. There's also the fact that one character only makes a perfunctory attempt to keep his friends and their young daughter from coming to the haunted house, where all the signs are pointing to the fact that the ghost may do the girl great harm. No one in the book seems very afraid, so why should the reader?With all that being said, perhaps my main gripe with this book would be applicable to any book in any genre. That is, there is a huge plot hole involving how one character came to be in the position they did. Given the facts as set forth in the novel, there was no credible way or reason for this person to have ended up in this situation.I'm giving Property of a Lady three stars only because I did finish it.

I love to read. But in the past few years I've had a difficult time finding books that will hold my interest. I don't read romances, find most horror novels boring or gory, and just never "cozied up" to cozy mysteries. They are always corny and predictable. I love a good mystery, but not necessarily a police procedural. BUT I have always loved a good story about a haunted house. And Sarah Rayne delivers. It reminds me of old English novels, in that it meanders a bit...but in a good way...and she builds suspense beautifully. Wonderful character development and settings, too. She manages to take modern England and marry it to the sort of romantic vision of England created by mysteries in the 30's. Spooky, without being horror. I loved it. I will get the next one in the series.

First Sentence: Michael, Is there any possible change you could sneak a day or two away from Oxford and take a look at a house for me?Oxford Professor Michael Flint receives a letter from his American friends asking him to check out an old house in Shropshire that has been empty and derelict for years, but has been found to now belong to his friend’s wife. Charect House is in decidedly poor condition, but it’s more than that which causes Michael to be uncomfortable during his visit. Who is watching him? Why does he hear a clock ticking where there is none, and who is the woman captured at an attic window by his photograph? Things become even more puzzling when Michael meets antique dealer Nell West, a young widow with a daughter the same age as his friends’, and both girls are having the same nightmare, and ocean apart.Do you like “Ghost Hunters,” a show which tried first to debunk claims, or find a rational explanation for them and if they can’t, then it “might” be paranormal. That is the type of paranormal mystery you’ll find here? There is plenty to raise the hair on your arms, but it is not bloody, gory, and creepy. From the very beginning, and the definition of the house’s name, you know there will be suspense and things that go bump and in the night…and in the day.Rayne has such a natural voice. By opening with the exchange of letters, we learn quite a bit about Dr. Michael Flint. He is well educated, something of a luddite, and has a cat, Wilberforce, about whom he creates wonderful adventures. It is that sort of detail with does add humor and light to an otherwise eerie situation. Also, with Nell West and her daughter, we are provided their history, the tragedy that befell them, and how Nell rebuilt her life for the two of them.It is wonderful that the two characters are normal people; neither overly brave, but neither is foolhardy. It is curiosity—a desire for answers—that drives them on and wanting to ensure there will be safety. That there is a bit of a romance doesn’t hurt at all. But Rayne is also a very literary writer occasionally driving one to a dictionary…”welter of jingoism…” or the internet to do research of one’s own.There is a very strong sense of place and atmosphere…”The scent of age met Michael at once, and it was so strong that for a moment he felt his senses blur. But this was not the musty dankness of damp or rot; this was age at its best and most evocative; a potpourri of old seasons timbers and long-ago fires, and a lingering scent of dried lavender.”This is a first book and it is not perfect. Although always interesting, there is too much “telling” through letters and diaries, than showing the reader the events. Even so, without the book being set in multiple time periods, I’m not certain that could have been avoided.“Property of a Lady” is a wonderful paranormal mystery with just the right balance of light and dark that leaves you with a “bump in the night” moment at the very end.PROPERTY OF A LADY (Par Mys-Michael Flint/Nell West-England-Contemp) – VGRayne, Sarah – 1st in seriesSevern House, 2011

As an avid reader my entire life, I thought I had long gotten over being scared by anything I read....Property of a Lady proved me wrong! I couldn't put this book down! For the first time in over 30 years, I was listening to the house settling with fearful anticipation. Every groan, creak, and shadow had me feeling that Property was coming out of the book, and into my room! If you enjoy mysteries, thrillers, and the paranormal this is the book for you. This book is told in the true sense of the "scary story" allowing your own imagination to do the dirty work. If you enjoy being scared, but don't like the gore and violence so prevalent in today's movies and books, you'll enjoy this book immensely!

The characters were well done and the atmosphere to it all is very creepy and unsettling. I could be wrong but the character of Michael Flint (who I thought was great) reminded me a lot of M.R. James. His occupation and his cat stories to a goddaughter I thought were amazingly alike in a good way. The little girl was a bit...L.M. Montgomery for me, though. I don't know how else to explain it. My only real complaint with the book (and it's a small one) is that the American friends have a very English way of speaking. Other than that the book is well-paced with very likeable characters and a creepy atmosphere. Definitely recommended.

This was an original story plot. Good characters, somewhat predictable but lots of twists to keep you guessing. Very enjoyable, looking forward to reading more Sarah Rayne books

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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Ebook Free The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days

Ebook Free The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days

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The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days

The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days

The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days

Ebook Free The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days

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The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days


“The Hormone Reset Diet may be just what we need to end dieting for women.” (Mark Hyman, New York Times bestselling author of The Blood Sugar Solution)Praise for The Hormone Reset Diet: “The Hormone Reset Diet is a breakthrough hormone guide?entertaining, persuasive, hilarious. I’ve not seen this content anywhere! Get to the root of your issues: low energy, fatigue, low sex drive, anxiety, weight gain. This book is gold.” (Marci Shimoff, author of Love for No Reason)Praise for The Hormone Reset Diet: “The Hormone Reset Diet is a breakthrough hormone guide?entertaining, persuasive, hilarious. I’ve not seen this content anywhere! Get to the root of your issues: low energy, fatigue, low sex drive, anxiety, weight gain. This book is gold.” (Danielle LaPorte, author of The Fire Starter Sessions)“Never before have I read a book and shouted, ‘Oh my God, that’s ME!’ Managing hormones is the most important issue of women my age. I don’t just want to read Sara Gottfried, I want her to be my doctor, my friend, and my sister.” (Ayelet Waldman, author of Red Hook Road and Bad Mother)“This wonderful book transforms how we approach women’s health issues, and will help you understand how to achieve hormonal equilibrium if you suffer from fatigue, depression and other endocrine-based neuropsychiatric symptoms.” (Jay Lombard, DO, author of Balance your Brain, Balance your Life)“Dr. Sara is smart, she’s hip, and yet she’s pure Harvard! Learn how to make your hormones hum. Run, don’t walk, to buy this book—for yourself and your friends. The life you save may be your own.” (Hyla Cass, MD, author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health)“A magnificent book! Every woman needs to read it, and every doctor.” (Louann Brizendine, MD, Author, The Female Brain and The Male Brain)“Don’t accept the hormonal hell of being tired, stressed, fat, never in the mood for sex. Dr. Gottfried gives you an effective, easy-to-follow plan to balance your hormones and become lean and energetic. Stop settling, reclaim your sexy!’ (JJ Virgin, author of Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy)“Occasionally a book comes along that’s perfect for its time-on topic, written with authority. Such is the book by Sara Gottfried, MD. It is a definitive integration of safe and effective approaches to the management of menopause.” (Jeffrey Bland, PhD, author of The 20 Day Rejuvenation Diet Program)“Gottfried’s premise is simple: when a woman’s hormones are in sync, she’s a powerhouse, but when they’re out of whack, they wreak havoc on her body and mind. The book is both fun and an informative read [and] Gottfried’s take on the female body is eye-opening and empowering.” (Spirituality and Health magazine)

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From the Back Cover

The New York Times bestselling author of The Hormone Cure shows you how to reset your metabolic hormones to lose weight and feel great in just twenty-one days!What we've been taught about dieting is all wrong. Weight loss isn't about restricting calories and willpower. It's about hormones: the chemical molecules that govern nearly all aspects of your body fat, from how much you store and where it's stored, to cravings, appetite, gut bacteria, and even addictive eating patterns. Being overweight is the result of major hormonal misfires involving seven metabolic hormones—estrogen, insulin, leptin, cortisol, thyroid, growth hormone, and testosterone—each of which is affected by the foods you consume every day.When these hormones misfire, your body adjusts by changing their levels, a fluctuation that ultimately slows down the metabolism, causing you to store fat every time you eat instead of using it as fuel to energize you. When your metabolism is broken, you get fatter no matter what you do—especially after age forty—and can eventually develop insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, and even dementia.The good news is that you can turn this problem around in only twenty-one days. Based on leading scientific research, The Hormone Reset Diet is Dr. Gottfried's proven step-by-step plan designed to help women of all shapes and sizes, ages, and ethnicities lose weight and feel lighter and more energetic. In seven three-day bursts, you'll make specific dietary changes, eliminating metabolism-wrecking foods—meat and alcohol, sugar, fruit, caffeine, grain, dairy, and toxins—to repair your body and reset your hormones. At the end of twenty-one days, Dr. Gottfried shows you how to develop a new personalized food code that enables you to look and feel your best every single day. In addition, this highly practical guide explores the emotional issues that drive cravings, addictions, and habits, offering insights to quench incessant hunger and get your life back. With The Hormone Reset Diet, you can finally shed the weight, feel trim and sexy, restore your hormones and health, and rediscover the body you want.

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Product details

Hardcover: 336 pages

Publisher: HarperOne; 1 edition (March 17, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0062316249

ISBN-13: 978-0062316240

Product Dimensions:

6 x 1.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.9 out of 5 stars

635 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#59,193 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

First, let me start by saying I do not really leave too many reviews here. I felt I needed to share my experience, in case anyone else out there feels that critical thinking skills are necessary when deciding how to eat healthfully and to obtain optimum weight.I am nine days into this elimination diet.I am 53 years old and for the past several years, it’s gotten harder and harder for me to lose weight.If I look at the weight charts I’m only about five or 6 pounds overweight. I have lost weight on this elimination diet (which is the reason for 2 stars). Then again, I’m really not eating very much, because I have been plant-based since last August.Last year, I decided to get educated by reading books written by doctors who have worked with people who have diseases and ailments that can cause early death, all of the books I read are about plant-based, including not eating any kind of oil. Personally, I have not been able to get rid of the oil, but that's a story for another day.I tried choosing books, which were backed with as much scientific fact as possible, like "How Not To Die," By Dr. Greger who cites enough studies to have 134 pages of bibliography in the book. Studies showing pros and cons--several studies to each section in fact. Dr. Gottfried's book has 15 pages. I also did a ton of research on the internet.I like to look at the studies, see who paid for them and try to choose a middle ground. And as a side note, Dr. Greger takes proceeds from book sales for his nonprofit organization. His nonprofit employs a team of researchers to constantly stay up on all the food-related studies out there. He also does not speak with a lot of bias about particular diets being what works, as the paleo is stated more than once in Dr. Gottfried's book.The reason I chose this book here was it was written by a female doctor, who had hopefully experienced what I had in terms of food and hormones. I had hoped she had done as much research as was necessary to not just offhandedly quote people who are not in the medical profession or conducted studies as authorities. Unfortunately, some of the people mentioned are chiropractors, health mentors, and others...not that it is a problem at all, if you have the scientific data to back it up.I am not a fan of the evangelism of taking certain foods grown out of the ground and making them problematic in total. I do not believe that from reading other evidence-based studies it is the entire truth.Alas, there is so much conflicting evidence out there about what to eat and what not to eat it can make your head spin. It is why critical thinking comes in. Trying to derive from each resource some good information, which can lead to lifestyle changes you feel work for you.I am starting to think it is a completely individual process, not all of our body chemistries are the same. I have to figure out a way to eat, which works best for my body. Another reason, I gave this 2 stars is it has made it clear--hidden sugar, basically processed food is my issue. I am finding through the elimination diet portion that weight started coming off when I omitted food with sugar in it (I already got rid of sweets last August). So, thank you for that! I already cook a lot, so now it will be for almost every meal as a lot of convenience food is chock full of sugar and other things, I would prefer not to ingest.I will put grains back in my diet, as I do believe rice and other grains which are not processed are not bad. (again my opinion about my experience) The blue zones book which speaks to places where people live to be over 100 do eat grains, which aren't processed.

i'm sad this was promoted as being helpful for hormonal imbalances whereas really this is just a poorly written, poorly cited and not very effective diet book. if you were eating fast food and processed/refined things prior to following this diet, it might help you to clean out your system and lose weight but this is absolutely not a hormone reset and has very little if any merit to the science of the approach. i can tell you it hasn't worked for me so far, i'm 14 days in, and i'm following it to a T and have spent hundreds on all the extra suggested other reviewers have mentioned the products promoted such as the shakes and bars contain some of the very things you are supposed to avoid during the diet and i also didn't receive any of the bonus material promised.this book and protocol seemed too good to be true, and definitely are. how great would it be to find a book that truly could approach hormone resetting and balancing from a scientific and qualified perspective- despite Sara's credentials, this falls short of even providing an informative, well written opinion... it is full of blanket statements and brief quotes that don't have any real merit or apply to what is being pushed. the casual and "i'm your friend" approach is fine but if that doesn't come with what's being promised it just seems like a creepy money hungry marketing scheme... and it's sad that so many "health experts" prey on people who could really use advice on how to fix what ails them...i have 7 days+ re-introduction left and if something magical happens i will update my review but i highly doubt it will shift since i'm 2/3 in and haven't had any of the magical promised results.

Waste of money. I was so angry after reading a great deal of this book. It is unrealistic. It tells you to test you blood, urine and BMI and to buy the testing supplies. It also has you eating rabbit??? WTF??? I have read many a diet book and this one was the worst.

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The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days PDF

The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days PDF
The Hormone Reset Diet: Heal Your Metabolism to Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 21 Days PDF

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ebook Free Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson

Ebook Free Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson

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Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson

Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson

Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson

Ebook Free Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson

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Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson

From School Library Journal

Gr 1-3--A sympathetic view of childhood autism from a young person's point of view. Sarah, a new girl at school, sees Andy by himself on the playground and is curious about his preoccupation with spinning a yellow frisbee. His sister Rosie watches Andy protectively from her soccer game and is fearful that the new girl will disturb his fragile composure. As Rosie thinks of Andy's problem, she explains autism to readers. Soft, watercolor illustrations reinforce the tenderness that Rosie feels toward her brother. There is none of the cruelty or lack of acceptance sometimes encountered by children with disabilities just because they are "different." At the end of the book, Thompson offers factual information about autism, its different degrees and characteristics. Andy is a book that will help youngsters see how those with special needs may be different but deserve tolerance and kindness just like all children do. A brief list for further reading offers other titles about autism from this publisher.Betty Teague, Blythe Academy of Languages, Greenville, SCCopyright 1997 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

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"A wonderful story, viewing autism through the eyes of children, and paralleling the behaviors and feelings of children with autism with their classmates and siblings. A valuable resource for every elementary school library."

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Product details

Age Range: 5 - 8 years

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 3

Series: Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection

Hardcover: 19 pages

Publisher: Woodbine House; 1 edition (January 1, 1996)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0933149832

ISBN-13: 978-0933149830

Product Dimensions:

7.9 x 0.3 x 9.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.8 out of 5 stars

15 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#183,740 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

perfect to help students understand special needs students.

I am sure the author of this book was well meaning, but I do not like the book at all. The child with autism does make a friend of sorts, but the portrayal is too negative and sterotypical. There are some children with autism like the main character, but I fear that young children might overgeneralize. There are better books out there to include in your library, keep looking!

Great book for children to read and learn how children are different

This is a must for every parent and child. It is such a well written story and the pictures are wonderful! :0) You won't be disappointed. :0)

I bought this book for school, I received it on time (the day I was told I would) It was used but in great condition and a great price.

The story of Andy and His Yellow Frisbee takes place on the school grounds where Rosie plays soccer as Andy spins his yellow frisbee around in a corner on the playground. It just so happens that the new girl Sarah who carries a large backpack has taken notice of Andy.From the very first sentence, " Andy was a real puzzle to Sarah." I get a sense that the author knows first hand the trials and tribulations of raising a child with autism, since the autism ribbon is known as a "puzzle".During recess each day while Rosie was playing soccer she would watch over at the hopscotch area where Andy was engrossed with his yellow frisbee. She was not pleased when Sarah started observing her brother and getting closer to him. All Rosie could think about while trying to focus on her soccer game was whether Sarah would invade Andy's space and be able to understand his speech if he tried to talk to her.The soft pastel illustrations play out the story line with the body positions of Andy and Sarah and the busyness of the other kids in the background. While sitting there during recess Sarah pondered what it was like being new at the school as she checked her teddy bear inside her backpack. Rosie had noticed the large backpack of Sarah's when she first arrived at the school and was cautious, but it turns out this was to keep her favorite item with her for extra comfort. Sarah decided that Andy's yellow frisbee could be a comfort item like hers.This was an interesting spin on comparing how a new student at school feels to the child who prefers to be alone in their own world. Something about Andy and his daily routine in spinning the yellow frisbee caught the eye of the girl allowing her to open up and meet others because of this.The relationship between the siblings shows the compassion and lengths Rosie goes to keep her brother safe and make sure his environment is comfortable so he can continue with his spinning. Instead of showcasing him as being different he almost seems carefree and not strange as other books have portrayed those with disabilities. I highly recommend Andy and His Yellow Frisbee to those within the special needs community, special education system and families and neighbors of those with various disabilities. This will open the lines of communication and get children to discuss their feelings and how they view those who are challenged.

Andy loves to play with his yellow frisbee. This is an activity he prefers to using the playground equipment or playing with other children. His sister Rosie keeps a watchful eye on Andy, especially when she sees another child eyeing him curiously.Instead of ridiculing Andy who has autism, the other child goes over to meet him. Disarmed, Rosie begins chatting with the girl, explaining Andy's behavior and about autism in general. Andy's frisbee spinning is extended to spinning plates and other objects; his strong reactions to sensory stimuli e.g. loud noises are addressed. Rosie acts as an advocate for Andy; she includes him in what she is doing.This is truly a lovely story that makes no promises and does not gloss over the sensory and social and developmental challenges that people on the autism spectrum routinely contend with. I like the way Rosie accepts Andy unconditionally and I like the way the author includes resource information about autism.

When I first read this book I was not crazy about it; I tend not to like books directed at kids that are overtly about autism because the kids automatically know that it is a "lesson" book rather than a story book. But of all the books I bought in an effort to give the regular education teacher a tool for talking with my son's typical classmates about his autism, this is the one that my typical 10 year old daughter selected. We have used it for three years and each time the teacher has said it generated an interesting and sensitive dicussion among the children (grades 1-3). Of course it takes a good teacher to lead the discussion, too, but this book has proved to be a valuable resource.

Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson PDF
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Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson Doc
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Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson PDF

Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson PDF

Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson PDF
Andy and His Yellow Frisbee (Woodbine House Special-Needs Collection), by Mary Thompson PDF

Sunday, November 6, 2016

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Product details

File Size: 910 KB

Print Length: 328 pages

Publisher: Foxy Publishing (September 24, 2018)

Publication Date: September 24, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,562 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Rybet Waise is the notorious protege of Master Bloodeye the 'ruler' of the pond, a desolate area of the capital city. Trained from the time she was five, Rybet is a master pickpocket, criminal, and mercenary. When her trainee is taken by guards, Rybet sneaks into the royal palace to rescue him. Caught, a quick deception puts Rybec in competition with other young aristocratic women for the prince's heart. Years ago the kingdom was ruled by Queens wielding magic but when the last Queen was murdered and her daughter disappeared, rulers from a nearby kingdom filled the vacant throne. Now the eldest prince is set to take the throne and the ancient Royal Trials have been revived to find him a wife. Divided into three trials; botany and alchemy, combat, and history and politics, the trials will narrow down the kingdom's most elite ladies until only one is left. Three weeks at the most since Rybet plans to get herself dismissed from the competition quickly. But a binding oath, a deadly truth, and a not so veiled threat from Master Bloodeye, and Rybet finds herself in a dangerous position. Rybet is no more, Lady Callaluna is who she is now. And she must win the trials at all costs. She's surrounded by enemies, a few new allies, and is determined to make the Royals pay.Imposter is sensational. It's like a great summer blockbuster that you just can't get enough of and you want to see (read) over and over. Tate James has created one of the most enchanting adventures I have encountered in quite a while. Irresistible characters and a fantastic premise full of secrets so cleverly written it is immediately addicting. Intrigue, deceptions, suspense, danger, sexiness. Hidden identities, questionable motives, dangerous games. Three trials, one beautiful, intelligent, snarky, irreverent female, 3 sexy princes each with their own secrets, a lethal court, and a viper. I was enthralled from the beginning to the scream-inducing cliffhanger. I am in love with this new series!

This book is so good. It grips you from the beginning. You will find yourself not wanting to put the book down.You need to use the bathroom? Take your e-reader with you.Your kids need to eat? That's what cereal is for.House chores? That can totally wait.Partner wants attention? Ignore them.What you will need when you start reading this book:~Snacks~Wine (or drink of choice)~Sturdy lock on your door (To keep kids and partners out)~Set food and snacks out for the crumbsnatchers.Your mind will be blown, the secrets are unraveling, the real villains are exposed. Who will win?This was a one click for me and it should be for you too.

SPOILER-ISH: You've been warned!So, I stayed up until 2 AM finishing this book. Ask me if I regret it? Nope! Rybet aka Callaluna blew me away. She is an amazing heroine. She’s tough but not stupidly obstinate which is the downfall of some of these mediocre RH series being produced with little thought to how the character would believable react to situations. Of course, like any RH series “The Royal Trials” has insta-attraction, an irresistible heroine and gorgeous heroes. I did appreciate that the heroes did not fall too much into the stereotypical RH formula. Lee is the sensitive hero, but not a doormat for the heroine either. Ty has a rough and gruff exterior with the soul of a big teddy bear. He’s just flirty enough without coming off as a playboy. Zan is probably the most dominant member of a RH series I’ve read. Zan can be withdrawn and prickly, but I loved that he also isn’t a massive jerk that the heroine is constantly fighting with. They have some sexy power struggle going on, but he doesn't make me want to slap the heroine for liking him. I really liked that the author didn’t try to detract from their budding relationship by bringing in past love interest drama or sexual history. I loved that even though Callaluna doesn’t realize it Lee, Ty and Zan in their hidden prince identity are still loyal to her. The chemistry is explosive and well thought out. You could sense the natural progression of their relationships. It was believable. I do hope we will get some of the heroes POV in the next 2 books. I’d love to know what they’ve been experiencing and there perception/feelings for Callaluna.The world building was excellent. There were a few times it became a little wordy and convoluted, but thankfully that was only a few pages. I also loved that we were given villains that I could genuinely hate. Please don’t get me started on the king. Someone please overthrow that dude! AND the King’s Snake gave me the creeps every time he was in a scene. He’s going to be a BIG problem.This story drew me in from the first page. I think we can all guess who Callaluna/Rybet really is, but the unknown of how she will overcome all the obstacles and discover her magic will have me one-clicking this entire series. I became invested in this story and can hardly wait to see the follow up because what a cliffhanger. Way to leave a girl hanging Ms. James!

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, by Tate James EPub
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Monday, October 10, 2016



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#615,122 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Those of you who know, know that when using the BCW you are constantly flipping from one section to another section and back to the first section and then to a third section, and on and on. You cannot easily navigate this Kindle version. If you really want a digital version I highly recommend the Daily Prayer App for both iPhone and Android available from Presbyterian Church USA. This app uses the date to automatically find the appointed Psalms, Old Testament, Gospel, and Epistle readings for each Morning, Midday, Evening, and Close of Day prayers and presents everything . As of this writing the app is using the 1993 version of BCW - Daily Prayer. (Which isn't a problem with me at all.) This Kindle version is the 2018 version. Bottom line: I still prefer the feeling of paper and the tradition of a physical book for worship and this Kindle version is difficult to use.





Wednesday, October 5, 2016

PDF Ebook Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar

PDF Ebook Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar

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Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar

Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar

Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar

PDF Ebook Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar

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Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar


Foundations of the American Century is at the cutting edge of international and transnational history, and its greatest strength is, undoubtedly, the range and analysis of the archives Inderjeet Parmar consults and discusses throughout. (Craig N. Murphy, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and Wellesley College)This broad, inclusive book is written on a grand scale. The result is an indispensable text for students of large-scale philanthropy and for anyone wishing to learn about the substantial influence exerted by the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford Foundations on the rise and consolidation of the United States as the dominant world economy in the twentieth century. Inderjeet Parmar traces the construction of elite networks spanning the boundaries separating philanthropy, the academy, and the state as the means for creating U.S. hegemony on the world stage. (Donald Fisher, University of British Columbia)With Foundations of the American Century, Inderjeet Parmar has produced the most wide-ranging and sophisticated historical account of the international role of American philanthropic foundations to date. Parmar reopens the debate about the cultural instruments of American foreign policy by emphasizing, beyond the success or failure of their programs and beyond their political oscillations, the importance of the international networks that foundations have established over the past century. Building on impressive amounts of archival material that spans an entire century of philanthropic activity on several continents, and tracing the aftereffects of this history in the post–Cold War era and the early twenty-first century, Parmar's book is bound to become a landmark in foundation literature. It will be of interest to cultural historians, international relations scholars, political scientists, and anyone interested in the nature of American power and liberal internationalism. (Nicolas Guilhot, author of The Democracy Makers: Human Rights and the Politics of Global Order)This scholarly treatment of institutionalized philanthropy is a good pick for students and researchers of history and political science. (Library Journal)...a valuable resource for historians of philanthropy and U.S. foreign policy...anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes operations of the Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller foundations from their inception to the present day will find the author's chronicling of events riveting. (Chuck Bartelt Philanthropy News Digest)well-researched (Berlin Review of Books)an interesting and richly detailed story about how elite networks function in democratic societies such as America's, and how they can further particular agendas at home and abroad. (Nicolas Bouchet International Affairs)The most thorough account of the foreign policy impact of twentieth-century U.S. philanthropic foundations. (Nils Gilman Journal of American History)Parmar's accomplished account...constitutes a detailed analysis of their origins, their aims, and their impacts. (The Hindu)an important contribution to a thriving field. (Katharina Rietzler Argentia)

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About the Author

Inderjeet Parmar is professor of international politics and head of the Department of International Politics at City University London. He is the coeditor of Obama and the World: New Directions in U.S. Foreign Policy and Barack Obama and the Myth of a Post-Racial America. His new book project is entitled Presidents and Premiers at War: Race, Elitism, and Empire in Anglo-American Wars from Korea to the War on Terror.

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Product details

Paperback: 368 pages

Publisher: Columbia University Press; Reprint edition (February 10, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0231146299

ISBN-13: 978-0231146296

Product Dimensions:

6 x 1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

3 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,191,077 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Though it is a bit dense and not an easy read, it is a well-researched book into institutional power projection from the US.

Excellent and detailed analysis of the big 3 foundations and their role in U.S. foreign policy and the promotion of neoliberal economics.

One of the most informative books I've read..

Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar PDF
Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar EPub
Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar Doc
Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar iBooks
Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar rtf
Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar Mobipocket
Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar Kindle

Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar PDF

Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar PDF

Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar PDF
Foundations of the American Century: The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power, by Inderjeet Parmar PDF

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

PDF Ebook Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower

PDF Ebook Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower

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Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower

Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower

Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower

PDF Ebook Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower

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Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower

About the Author

John S. D. Eisenhower (1922-2013) was the son of Dwight D. Eisenhower, a former U.S. Ambassador to Belgium and the author of Yanks: The Epic Story of the American Army in World War I.

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Product details

Paperback: 480 pages

Publisher: University of Oklahoma Press; Second Edition edition (March 15, 1999)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0806131284

ISBN-13: 978-0806131283

Product Dimensions:

6 x 1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

25 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#852,425 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is an accessible overview of Winfield Scott. Eisenhower provides more than just a bald record of Scott's many achievements -- he gives valuable insights into his personality and his motivations. I think Eisenhower benefits from his association with his father, and through him his knowledge of the allied commanders of World War ll, many of whom he also knew personally. It certainly allows him to speak to Scott as committed to a professional army.

A person long forgotten to history. He was a hero to his country and unknowingly prepared the army for the American Civil War. He was responsible for grooming many future generals; Meade, Lee, Jackson and Longstreet for example. Many of the future Civil War generals cut their teeth at one point under Scott.

I am a Second Seminole War period (1835-1842) researcher. This book was a reference in a bibliography I had seen and I purchased it based on the fact that it had good references, a solid bibliography, was well written and very well researched. This reference has been invaluable for the information that I have been able to obtain and use for my research. I would say that it is a must have for anyone researching Florida's Second Seminole War.

Although, as a military officer and, thus, a student of history, I knew of Winfield Scott, I never knew him as anything other than as the author of the Anaconda Plan and as being a head of the Army too old to act effectively as a commander. Until I read Lions of the West by Robert Morgan, which had a chapter about his career. His performance during the Mexican War, plus his application of his wide professional reading to US Army tactics & organization, made me realize I needed to know more about him. John Eisenhower has done an excellent job covering this multi-talented individual's career and accomplishments. I wish I'd read it years earlier.

Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott by John S. D. Eisenhower is, while a bit misnamed, an excellent introduction to both the history and culture of the 19th century army and General Winfield Scott.Most Americans remember Winfield Scott as the General who made an amphibious landing on the east coast of Mexico and marched to Mexico City. Since that is about the sum of what is taught in 11th Grade American History class, that is where most reasonably well read American's knowledge of Winfield Scott stops. Reading this book is a good first step in rediscovering the man who defined the culture and professional competency of the 19th Century American Army.While this book has some glaring weaknesses, it does introduce the casual reader to some interesting ideas and arguments.First, the near complete destruction of the U S Army under Gen "Mad" Anthony Wayne by Shawnee Indians in the early 1790's. While I knew that the nomative War Chief of the Shawnees - believe his name was Simon Gurdy, but my memory may be off - was a white man who held a reserve commission in the British Army, I did not realize that this was one of the incidents that led to the War of 1812. The idea that as recent as the 1790's some of the Indian tribes had enough firepower and resources to crush the bulk of the U S Army in a single battle both shows the relative strength of those particular Indian tribes and the grotesque incompetence of most American military leadership of the time.Second, America is a country that is at its best when it is a country of second chances that believes in forgiveness as much as accountability. Winfield Scott started off his military career by being courts martialed for calling a senior general a traitor. Even though this was probably a true statement, this was not an auspicious beginning. Likewise, from the book it appears as if Winfield Scott actually led his brigade into a slaughter at the battle of Lundy Lane. Yet, he retained his rank as a Brigadier General. That combined with his youth almost ensured that at some point in the future he would become the commanding general of theU S Army. That somewhat fortuitous set of facts turned out to be pretty beneficial for the United States in not only Winfield Scott's peacetime efforts, but also in his skillful handling of the Mexican American War. Clearly, the Winfield Scott who led his brigade to slaughter in 1812 was not the one who skillfully defeated an Army in a foreign land when outnumbered three to one.Third, there are a series of important ideas and debates that have shaped and, to a certain extant, continue to shape the U S Army. All of these debates are touched upon - although Eisenhower does not elaborate - in this book. What sort of military does America need when all of its peer competitors are so distant in terms of space and time? What is the role of conventional forces and special forces, this question first comes to light in the various Indian campaigns in Florida and Georgia. What is the proper role of "regular" forces versus "reserve" or "volunteer" forces? Perhaps the last is an important question today in Iraq. Indeed, Eisenhower's discussions of "red legged" infantry in Florida made me think about modern day Iraq where Armor and Artillery soldiers are serving in counter-insurgency missions.Fourth, Winfield Scott was a much better peacemaker than war maker. I lost count of the number of times that Winfield Scott negotiated away potential conflict between the United Kingdom and the U S. The last was after he had retired when RADM Wilkes - famous from the U S Exploring Expedition - had initiated an international incident by seizing two British diplomats from a Confederate ship. Moreover, Winfield Scott's role in diffusing the "Nullification Crises", perhaps, shaped the nature of American history forever. If South Carolina had left the Union in the 1820s, it is possible that the Civil War might have happened three decades earlier. It is likely that without those thirty years of industrial development and the various crises in 1840s Europe to feed Northern population growth, the South just might have won that hypothetical Civil War.None of these topics are really expanded upon. However, this is a good book for a basic introduction to Winfield Scott and 19th Century U S Army. I highly recommend it as a primer to begin to learn more.

I still haven't finished reading this page turning book. I have 2 chapters left and so far I have not been disappointed. Winfield Scott served his country well and I would hope that he has not been lost to history. This book brings to life this mans place in history. I enjoyed the chapters concerning his role in the American-Mexican War and I would like to read this authors book on that conflict, a shame it's no longer available. Buy this book and enjoy, recommended reading!

This is an excellent introduction to one of the United State's greatest military leaders. It is not an exhaustive account but it never claims to be one. I think this book is perfect for the military history buff who wants to find out who Scott was and what his accomplishments were. The book is less than 500 pages long so Eisenhower's treatment of Scott's over 50 years of Military service is concise. However, it highlights many (if not all) of Scott's successes and failures during his tenure. The book has whetted my appetite to find out more about this illustrous man. Read Eisenhower's book on the Mexican War, "So far from God" for a more in-depth examination of General Scott's masterful campaign to capture Mexico City and force the Mexican government to capitulate to the U.S.

Well written biography of a forgotten patriot. Great summary of era leading up to the Civil War.

Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower PDF
Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower EPub
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Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower iBooks
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Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower Kindle

Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower PDF

Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower PDF

Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower PDF
Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott, by John S. D. Eisenhower PDF