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Thursday, February 23, 2017

PDF Download Makers and Takers

PDF Download Makers and Takers

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Makers and Takers

Makers and Takers

Makers and Takers

PDF Download Makers and Takers

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Makers and Takers

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 5 hours and 18 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Tantor Audio Release Date: July 2, 2008

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This book was an excellent explanation of how the vested interests of Wall Street and the current educational system is digging a hole for society that if not corrected will become unrecoverable.I found it well written and correctly substantiated. Well worth the read.

Well documented with lots of facts. Provides excellent insight into the different views and propensities of liberals compared to conservatives.

This book illustrates contrasts in personalities between those who take responsibility and those who try to make a commodity of responsibility. It stands to reason that those who more clearly see and are less conflicted in decisions regarding right from wrong are happier.People who are relatively happy with their life and their decisions are less likely to be interested in wanting to control/exert influence on others.

It's been anecdotally the consensus for awhile that conservatives are generally happier, more family-oriented, and so forth than liberals, but until Schweizer's book, no one had bothered to amass the necessary statistics on the matter. MAKERS AND TAKERS does our understanding of American society a considerable service in this.There are two areas where Schweizer's tome could have been improved. First, its self-congratulatory tone would be off-putting to a liberal -- and it's liberals who would benefit most from absorbing and pondering the objective information it offers. Second, Schweizer had the opportunity to score a grand slam by extending his treatment to FAKERS: persons nominally self-supporting, but whose positions are mostly or wholly sinecures that demand little from them. The distribution of political allegiances among such persons -- government workers; featherbedded workers in unionized industries; marginal employees in public schools; and the like -- would be illuminating whether or not it confirmed Schweizer's larger thesis.All the same, MAKERS AND TAKERS is informative in its objective data and thought-provoking in its implications. Four stars.

I'm a good way into the book, it is borderline between a rant and a thought provoking piece. Some good points, but undecided as of now.

Interesting interpretation.

This was my second title by Peter Schweizer, and was not a disappointment. It first laid out the stereotypes that conservatives are buried under by most of the media, and then pointed out that the bluest blue State and reddest red state have about 45% with opposition views.The General Social Survey is repeatedly referenced by Schweizer. It is a comprehensive survey which asks thousands of Americans their attitudes on a host of issues. It turns out that most of the caricature of conservatives is in error, and many attitudes considered conservative are held more often by self proclaimed liberals, such as selfishness and anti-Semitism.Peter Schweizer is another rising star at the Hoover Institute of Stanford University.

A great book for political conservatives and one which will be dismissed out of hand by liberals. The book is primarily an exposition of the valid statistical analysis of the various positions of both groups which have undergirded their political stance over the past decades. The only way to contradict the author's conclusions would be to provide equally valid, unbiased statistical information to the contrary. As statistics are always subject to two "failures" - validity of sample, and conclusions drawn - this information is at least valid regarding the facts as far as I have been able to discern. As someone once put it, "We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not entitled to our own facts." While a reader might argue with the conclusions, the statistical facts are plainly stated. The only shortcoming of the text is that the make up of the analyzed samples is left to the reader to research in the footnotes. Since the validity of the generalization of the sample is a function of the make up of the sample, this omission from the body of the text is problematic to the reader. The footnotes are extensive and bear separate analysis to derive the validity of the author's arguments in the subject text. Presuming the truth of the statistical facts presented, the book is a treasure trove of "ammunition" for the conservative cause. The liberal will probably dismiss the book out of hand, with or without reading it, since the easiest path is simple denial rather than defense with information.

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Makers and Takers PDF

Makers and Takers PDF
Makers and Takers PDF

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Download , by Steph Young

Download , by Steph Young

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, by Steph Young

, by Steph Young

, by Steph Young

Download , by Steph Young

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, by Steph Young

Product details

File Size: 3411 KB

Print Length: 116 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: June 27, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#88,882 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I have become intensely interested in the disappearances of people going on in the world. The more I read the more weird and sinister it sounds.As for this book, there are some interesting accounts and Ms.Young has some info on accounts of disappearances going on outside the U.S. which is why I was really drawn to this book. However, there it was more of a shotgun approach, listing off happenings without giving a whole lot of details on the individual cases. It also devolved into a laundry list of culprits. While I appreciate the theories, it was just an overview of possibilities that have been tossed out there on the net, and I would have preferred at least some pros and cons to why each theory would or would not fit the bill.I won't compare Ms. Young's books to others taking on this topic, but the feel is more of a campfire story book than an actual investigative approach. I gave it three stars instead of two because it did have some international accounts (though a couple have been covered in other works). I'm in for the long haul on this subject and I want as much information as I can get to look for answers.

I find this author so frustrating. This book has a lot of very interesting cases that I enjoyed reading, but then it really goes off the rails when it gets into the too-well-tread territory of aliens, conspiracy theories, and satanic rituals. I'd enjoy it a lot more if he'd just stick to the accounts of the missing, and leave off the speculation unless he has something new to add. Everyone who reads paranormal books has read these theories hundreds of times. It is also very badly edited, though it is organized much more logically than the other book of his I read. There's less going around in circles in this book.Basically it's a poor man's Missing 411, with extra added tinfoil hats. But I do enjoy reading about the mysterious disappearances.

Basically the same as Missing 411 books, but with speculation. The writer not only tells the missing cases, but gives the many possibilities of what could be happening. My only complaint is that it was too short. I enjoyed it, and am going to get more books by this author.

Whenever Young writes a new book, I am there! You would think the tales would be repetitive, but they're not. I am fascinated by missing people. Where are they? What happened? I know these are questions the families are still asking. Everyone wants closure, but that's not always going to happen in the world of non-fiction.

Very quick read. Makes me want to never go in the woods alone again! Gives examples of unsolved missing person cases and the possibilities that something other than another human is out there involved in their mysterious disappearances. Explains several different theories on what could possibly be out there with evidence and clues to back them up. Makes one realize we may not be alone!

The stories were fascinating. However, the storytelling unsteady and written at a fourth grade level. There were multiple copy editing errors that muddled the facts in many stories. IMO this is a good starting point for a mystery data base to work from when investigating mysterious disappearances.

Not great. Too many far out theories. Tiny bits about cases, lots of writing about far out theories. I think they touched on just about every criptid you can imagine.

Well the book STARTS off with some interesting as well as unexplained disappearanceof people from all walks of life and some very peculiar circumstances concerning their disappearance,it does fall flat with regard to missing people in remote places especially the "woods". As a resident of the Adirondack Park to which the author makes note of some 300 or so people going missing or are injured in this park each year is neither a mystery or of note for this book.....just filler I would think. As with many state and national parks,there topography is usually of the rugged wild dense and difficult sort making these areas prone to the lost hiker.

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, by Steph Young PDF

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

PDF Ebook Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series)

PDF Ebook Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series)

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Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series)

Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series)

Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series)

PDF Ebook Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series)

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Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series)

From the Back Cover

Tired of the same old tourist traps? Take the road less traveled and uncover the hidden attractions, unique finds, and unusual locales other guidebooks just don’t offer. Off the Beaten Path® features the things you’d want to see—if only you knew about them! From the best in local dining to quirky cultural tidbits, you’ll say over and over again: “I didn’t know that!”Discover a different side of the Great Lakes State. Step inside a giant soap bubble at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum; learn a thing or two about marital harmony on the Be Good to Your Mother-in-Law Bridge in Croswell; or steer through a collection of more than 1,500 car hood ornaments at the Gilmore Classic Car Club of America Museums. So if you’ve “been there, done that” one too many times, get off the main road and venture Off the Beaten Path.

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About the Author

Jim DuFresne is a Detroit-based travel and outdoor recreation writer whose syndicated columns appear in daily newspapers across Michigan. He lives in Clarkston, Michigan.

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Product details

Series: Off the Beaten Path Series

Paperback: 240 pages

Publisher: GPP Travel; 9th edition (July 1, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0762744200

ISBN-13: 978-0762744206

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.0 out of 5 stars

7 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#5,655,115 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I always buy a few travel books when planning a vacation and I like to buy the "Off the Beaten Path" type with hidden gems you wouldn't normally find. It was hard to find good books for Michigan when planning a Mackinac/Fall Color tour. This one had a few interesting side trip items that we definitely did enjoy (the Ironton Ferry, for example) but it seemed disorganized and confusing. I had to do a lot of flipping back and forth to find things in the same area and the routes mentioned were confusing, occasionally wrong (checked by google maps), and took a lot more planning on my part outside of the book. It doesn't do a good job of mentioning how long certain drives might take. In the end, I probably got my money's worth in the tips for the trip but it took a lot more work on my part than simply buying this book.

I have had this book for a couple of years now. It has come in handy for day trips and such. It does have some locations in it that I would never of found other wise. However, the organization of the book could be better, and some of the information and directions were off. A couple of spots I would follow the guide in the book and never find the place. I would personally like too see better organization and information.

A great guide to plan your trip to Michigan and see exciting places and things that the locals miss out on.

This book is targeted for the upper middle class types who view northern Michigan as a "quaint" extension of their shopping-based suburban existance. Most of the sites described are not at all "off the beaten path". One classic example will suffice, and I quote from page 146: "While Dad is out on the links, the kids are making a splash in 88,000 square feet of spraying gushers, falling water, splash pools, and wild rides." I'm not sure about you, but places like Avalanche Bay, the new water park at the VERY pricey Boyne Mountain ski resort, are NOT my idea of getting "off the beaten path". It is false advertising to name this book thus. And puh-leeze, Mr. DuFrense, stow the long-winded description of your forced march walk with your spouse to the summit of Avalanche Peak. You'd think you had scaled Everest!! Maybe it wouldn't have been so grueling if you hadn't slammed those two bottles of Lake Trout Stout at the Boyne City Brewing Company beforehand!! Let the buyer beware...

It has been helpful to plan some daytrips for my senior residents.! Thank you.

This book had too many random snippets of information that were not well organized. I would read about a place but then could not find the name of the place on any map or list in the book to see exactly where in the Michigan region it was. I brought the book with me on a recent trip to the the Lake Michigan Coast but did not end up using it at all. The author's hiking book is much more useful.

Excellent delivery time, excellent condition, it's a gift so I haven't read it, but I looked through it and it looks like a really good book for us, we're always looking for drives to take on our days off.

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Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series) Mobipocket
Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series) Kindle

Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series) PDF

Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series) PDF

Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series) PDF
Michigan Off the Beaten Path, 9th (Off the Beaten Path Series) PDF

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Download The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren

Download The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren

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The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren

The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren

The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren

Download The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren

Locate the secret to be a successful person who constantly updates the information and also knowledge. This way can be just disclosed by gathering the new updates from lots of sources. The World Of Cajsa Andersdotter: A Close-up View Of Sweden In The 18th And 19th Century, By Bengt Hällgren becomes one of the choices that you can take. Why should be this book? This is the book to advise as a result of its power to stimulate the info and resources in always upgraded. One additionally that will make this book as suggestion is also this tends to be the current publication to publish.

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The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren

Product details

Paperback: 184 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (October 22, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1977635504

ISBN-13: 978-1977635501

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

5 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#377,492 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The perfect book to read in preparation for a family trip to my husband's grandparents' childhood homes in the same area the authors of this book did their genealogical research in Western Sweden. It really helps us understand the reasons why so many ancestors had to leave Sweden. I bought copies for each family member on this trip.

This is a well-researched and well-documented account of 18th and 19th century Sweden. I would highly recommend it, along with the authors' Swedish language textbooks. Bengt and Carol Hälgren are very knowledgable, approachable and helpful writers.

The author has done a detailed search of the ancestry of his great-great-grandmother Cajsa Andersdotter demonstrating how a genealogical research can be accomplished in Sweden. After having done some research on my Swedish ancestry, this book gave me some additional background material. I especially appreciated the historic maps that identified the farmstead villages he discussed in the text. Also appreciated the discussion of redistribution of farm tracts, soldier crofts, and other historic events impacting rural peasant life. I am glad I purchased the book.

My grandfather was born in Sweden, and his parents and grandparents lived lives very similar to the ordinary folk in Bengt Hällgren's book.Besides helping me understand the circumstances of rural families drifting into grinding poverty as populations increased (in the case of my family, leading them to emigrate to America), the book also explains the resources available for researching our Swedish ancestors.I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to understand (and possibly learn more) about their rural Swedish ancestry.

The best example of genealogy research.

The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren PDF
The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren EPub
The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren Doc
The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren iBooks
The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren rtf
The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren Mobipocket
The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren Kindle

The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren PDF

The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren PDF

The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren PDF
The world of Cajsa Andersdotter: A close-up view of Sweden in the 18th and 19th century, by Bengt Hällgren PDF