Thursday, February 16, 2017

Download , by Steph Young

Download , by Steph Young

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, by Steph Young

, by Steph Young

, by Steph Young

Download , by Steph Young

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, by Steph Young

Product details

File Size: 3411 KB

Print Length: 116 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: June 27, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#88,882 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I have become intensely interested in the disappearances of people going on in the world. The more I read the more weird and sinister it sounds.As for this book, there are some interesting accounts and Ms.Young has some info on accounts of disappearances going on outside the U.S. which is why I was really drawn to this book. However, there it was more of a shotgun approach, listing off happenings without giving a whole lot of details on the individual cases. It also devolved into a laundry list of culprits. While I appreciate the theories, it was just an overview of possibilities that have been tossed out there on the net, and I would have preferred at least some pros and cons to why each theory would or would not fit the bill.I won't compare Ms. Young's books to others taking on this topic, but the feel is more of a campfire story book than an actual investigative approach. I gave it three stars instead of two because it did have some international accounts (though a couple have been covered in other works). I'm in for the long haul on this subject and I want as much information as I can get to look for answers.

I find this author so frustrating. This book has a lot of very interesting cases that I enjoyed reading, but then it really goes off the rails when it gets into the too-well-tread territory of aliens, conspiracy theories, and satanic rituals. I'd enjoy it a lot more if he'd just stick to the accounts of the missing, and leave off the speculation unless he has something new to add. Everyone who reads paranormal books has read these theories hundreds of times. It is also very badly edited, though it is organized much more logically than the other book of his I read. There's less going around in circles in this book.Basically it's a poor man's Missing 411, with extra added tinfoil hats. But I do enjoy reading about the mysterious disappearances.

Basically the same as Missing 411 books, but with speculation. The writer not only tells the missing cases, but gives the many possibilities of what could be happening. My only complaint is that it was too short. I enjoyed it, and am going to get more books by this author.

Whenever Young writes a new book, I am there! You would think the tales would be repetitive, but they're not. I am fascinated by missing people. Where are they? What happened? I know these are questions the families are still asking. Everyone wants closure, but that's not always going to happen in the world of non-fiction.

Very quick read. Makes me want to never go in the woods alone again! Gives examples of unsolved missing person cases and the possibilities that something other than another human is out there involved in their mysterious disappearances. Explains several different theories on what could possibly be out there with evidence and clues to back them up. Makes one realize we may not be alone!

The stories were fascinating. However, the storytelling unsteady and written at a fourth grade level. There were multiple copy editing errors that muddled the facts in many stories. IMO this is a good starting point for a mystery data base to work from when investigating mysterious disappearances.

Not great. Too many far out theories. Tiny bits about cases, lots of writing about far out theories. I think they touched on just about every criptid you can imagine.

Well the book STARTS off with some interesting as well as unexplained disappearanceof people from all walks of life and some very peculiar circumstances concerning their disappearance,it does fall flat with regard to missing people in remote places especially the "woods". As a resident of the Adirondack Park to which the author makes note of some 300 or so people going missing or are injured in this park each year is neither a mystery or of note for this book.....just filler I would think. As with many state and national parks,there topography is usually of the rugged wild dense and difficult sort making these areas prone to the lost hiker.

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