Thursday, March 28, 2013

PDF Download , by Susanna Kearsley

PDF Download , by Susanna Kearsley

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, by Susanna Kearsley

, by Susanna Kearsley

, by Susanna Kearsley

PDF Download , by Susanna Kearsley

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, by Susanna Kearsley

Product details

File Size: 1805 KB

Print Length: 430 pages

Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark (October 2, 2012)

Publication Date: October 2, 2012

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#44,322 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Ah this is classic Kearsley! I think she is at her best when she weaves a good romance into the core of her stories. I just finished Named of the Dragon and as soon as the romance picked up in this book I realized that's what had been lacking in NotD: a fully developed love story.In this story, the famed Ninth Roman Legion thought to have been lost in Scotland is the center of the story. There are ghosts who quite appropriately speak only Latin, people with "the second sight," tough as nails Scottish lasses (young and old), and men in kilts. I found some of the ending to be a little odd but overall I completely enjoyed this book.When you cozy up with Kearsley, you know you're getting a historical mystery set in a place that she describes in such loving detail as to make you want to go there immediately (is there a Kearsley tour of the UK out there? I would do that in a heartbeat). There may be ghosts, time travel, paranormal happenings, curses, or all of the above. And there will most likely be an adorable romance happening in it (warning: may also contain tragic romance but that's usually the one set in the past). There is nothing like a Kearsley novel to keep you totally engrossed and make you smile.

I love her writing, I never get tired of her books and look forward to reading each new one. This story was hinted at in a previous novel and proved to be just as intriguing as it sounded. Although it didn't have the flashbacks to and from previous centuries, it did have the ghosts! Sometimes suggestion is far more powerful than full description. One's imagination fills in the blanks and fleshes out the characters. The image of the dog greeting an invisible being was so well done, I could see it in my mind! The great bonus is that her books are so well researched that I learn from every novel of hers that I read - rather like a history lesson without the pain. I know more about historical digs that I did before and appreciate the respect and care with which history is preserved. Thank you for all you write and the enjoyment that I receive from reading it!

I love me a good time-slip novel, and Susanna Kearsley writes some of the best. This one involves an archeological dig of a site that may have belonged to the lost IX legion. Since no one has any idea where the IX Legion served, southern Scotland is as likely as anywhere. This particular site is a private dig, paid for by a wealthy man. His grandson sees and hears things that may be Latin, and an individual he calls the Sentinel.This is the framework for this romance between a female archeologist and a local man, and seeing how they work it all out is part of the fun of a Kearsley novel.

This is my favorite Susanna Kearsley novel so far. I have only read The Winter Sea and The Rose Garden and I really liked both of them but this is my favorite to date. All three novels have a bit of a otherworldly or paranormal slant to them, The Winter Sea and The Rose Garden are a little far fetched but it doesn't detract from the enjoyment of those stories. The Shadowy Horses has ghosts and psychics which is still far fetched (depending on your beliefs) but more believable. I wouldn't say this is an out right romance, it has more substance than that (again not knocking romance novels, I love them too) but it is a mystery with romantic overtures. The romance isn't just between the main characters (Verity and David) but one's passion for their profession, family, town, history and much more. I fell in love with all the characters and the little town in Scotland. I learned a little bit about the Roman occupation of Britain.The only thing that confused me a little about this novel was it seemed to have been written in the late 90's or early 2000's. No one seemed to have cell phones, they did a lot of work cataloging by hand not computer.I really enjoyed this book. Kearsley always does such a great job introducing historical periods into her contemporary books. I can't wait to read another of her books.

I absolutely love Susanna's books; her characters are easy to like, the story is interesting and the plot always has some kind of twist. The Shadowy Horses is no exception to the rule. The story pulled me in right from the beginning. There was enough interest to make me want to keep reading and the romantic portion, even though very mild, was enough to keep my imagination working.One of the things I like about Susanna's writing is how she explains what she needs but lets the rest up to the readers imagination. Take for instance the tension leading up to the romantic scene; but not really a romantic scene. There wasn't detail or anything but left me wondering and allowed my imagination to fill in the blanks.This story is a bit different from most of her other books since there isn't an actual time travel episode. Instead, there are flashbacks in a way (I don't want to give too much away).The end of the story is always a bit of a disappointment for me. I'm not disappointed with the story line but I always feel like I'm saying 'good-bye' to some good friends; and again, there is always story left over so the reader can fill in the blanks.I'm anxiously waiting for the next book from Susanna and have to admit I haven't been reading her books in succession. The first book I read was Winter Sea and have enjoyed all of the books since. Keep up the fantastic writing!

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, by Susanna Kearsley PDF

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, by Susanna Kearsley PDF


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