Saturday, February 1, 2014

Download Ebook , by Janette Oke

Download Ebook , by Janette Oke

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, by Janette Oke

, by Janette Oke

, by Janette Oke

Download Ebook , by Janette Oke

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, by Janette Oke

Product details

File Size: 711 KB

Print Length: 260 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 076420064X

Publisher: Bethany House Publishers; Repack edition (June 1, 2005)

Publication Date: June 1, 2005

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#41,331 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I have loved this series, as I have loved all the other series I have read by Janette Oke. Her characters are so real, and although these books were mostly written quite some time ago, they are as relevant today as in the time they were written. We still face the same questions about our lives, about God's will and our own, and this is what the main character, Christine, is grappling with. After making a wrong choice in a relationship, she feels unsure of her own decisions, but ultimately she has to listen to God to find what she wants. I love how these books draw you in, make you care about each character, make you think long after you've finished them. I love that they have good, Christian values and I don't feel awkward with any parts of them. I cannot recommend this book, and this series highly enough.

I didn't enjoy as much as the first 5. It took almost the whole book before Christine thought that she could love somebody else other then Boyd from book 5. She really didn't give Maurice Laray a chance to show his love for her. She kind of left him out in the cold. Also with Henry it was never brought out where in the south he was stationed. I wish Janette Oke had written another before book 5 and 6 about Henry and Christine's growing up years with Wynn and Elizabeth. It was never told how Christine came to be living with Wynn and Elizabeth just that she came to them at 4 years old. There seemed to be to much of a gap between books 4 and 5. I still like Janette Oke books . But this one left you hanging in mid air as far as Eric and Christine relationship ends up going. I was hoping to see a marriage at the end. It was nice to finish a series finally.

I think this is an excellent book. I love the development of Christine's character and how she grows in faith after the bad ending with Boyd, who is not a Christian. Their broken engagement stills haunts Christine and makes it hard for her to love again. She learns, because of a change of location, how to trust a man again and believe he will not break her heart. This book revolves again around the characters of Wynn, Elizabeth, Henry, Christine and their extended family in Canada. Christine in given another chance at love. This is stretched out to the end of the book. It is only at the end when Christine gives in to love again. She learns a hard life lesson and all who read this learn that lesson as well. I hated for this book to end because it ended the story of the Delaney family.After 6 books in developing this story of the Delaneys, I found it hard to read this knowing it was the last. When you read a series like this, it is so easy to develop an attachment to the characters. I found with each book that I could hardly wait to read the next one and when I was finished with them all I was sad to see the story end. This is a great book and one I will probably read again some day.

It is a cute book. I remember reading this series when I was about twelve and I wanted to see how they held up.The answer is, they don't. The characters are okay and Oak really tries to add some depth but its predictable. I'm not into christian lit so the constant 'let god take care of it'' and the woman being subservient to their husbands theme tires me out. The character's treat each other fine but they are very one dimensional. They will fall in love, get married, and trust in god.

I've watched the Hallmark TV series "When Calls the Heart" and I have enjoyed it but the show does not hold a candle to the books. Obviously, from the title, I realized this series of books was going to deal affairs of the heart, but it was far more than a series pertaining to romance. It had much deeper meaning. I enjoyed visiting with the characters as their relationships with the Lord Our God, Our Heavenly Father unfolded.

I found the ending rushed and unsatisfying. Actually the whole book was rather up in the air like Christine. It really lacked the depth that the other stories had. Christine came off as whiny and spoiled. The book was formulaic and predictable not up to Oke's usual quality.

I’m sad to say this was not what I had hoped for in the last book of this series. I found myself sorely disappointed. It’s as if the story line was just given up on and quickly wrapped up to end the series.

This book was the grand finale of the 6 book series and it was really great! It was inspiring and encouraging. The characters were real and the plot was believable. I loved the ending!

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